Catégorie:Termes désuets en anglais
Pages dans la catégorie « Termes désuets en anglais »
Cette catégorie comprend 728 pages, dont les 200 ci-dessous.
(page précédente) (page suivante)3
- aback
- abacus
- aband
- abandon
- abate
- aberdevine
- abide
- abigail
- abiogenist
- abject
- able
- abound
- abroad
- abrogate
- absolute
- aby
- accustom
- ache
- acid of milk
- act
- actinide
- actinium C
- actual
- admiraless
- ado
- advenement
- advices
- advocation
- advowtry
- æsthetician
- Ægypt
- Ægyptian
- æon
- aerolite
- aerolith
- aesthetician
- afear
- affear
- affectuous
- affrication
- aftermath
- agendum
- agrement
- ague
- airs and graces
- alabamine
- aldebaranium
- aldermaness
- algebraick
- alkermes
- alveole
- ambassadress
- Amoy
- ancle
- anglo-helvetium
- anon
- antidiarrhœal
- antigenic
- apple
- archer
- Argentine
- assart
- at length
- auf
- Aussie
- automatous
- avant
- avant-garde
- avantgarde
- awk
- azote
- baffle
- Bagdad
- barbacan
- bare
- barker
- barney
- basket-ball
- bawd
- bean
- bede
- bedlam
- beef
- beemaster
- beforehand
- beforehand in the world
- beforehand with the world
- befuddle
- bego
- beknown
- Belgian
- Belgick
- bended
- benzine
- Birma
- Birman
- birth
- bishoprick
- bite
- blast
- bleach
- blick
- bogey
- boot
- Brama
- breviary
- Britain
- British Channel
- Brixit
- budget
- bugger
- bumf
- bun
- Burman
- burrow
- busk
- callow
- camelopard
- cannot but
- cantle
- caption
- carbazotic acid
- carbonous oxide
- cassiopeium
- cassiopium
- castling
- casualty
- catchpole
- Caucasian
- CE
- Celebes
- celtium
- chalcomiklite
- chancelloress
- charge
- chaw
- chemist
- Chili
- chollywobble
- chyazic acid
- circumstaunce
- claw
- clew
- close
- closet
- closet of ease
- cocker
- cockey
- cockney
- cocksquailing
- coed
- columbium
- commendator
- commissary
- common
- comport
- computer
- computor
- confectionary
- congee
- consequently
- constabless
- Constantinople
- consuless
- cooch
- coolly
- corve
- corven
- cote
- court-house
- Cousin John
- coy
- crack
- cranky
- crap
- creature
- crèche
- crocus
- cue
- cupboard
- cursed
- curve
- cuttle
- cuz john
- Cuz-John
- cuzjohn
- cymophanite