Utilisateur:Thomas le numéro 24/Index de mots manquants sur mathématiques en anglais/T
- T₂
- tableau
- table-maker's dilemma
- tabulating machine
- tabu search
- T-account
- tacinvariant
- tacnode
- tail
- tailedness
- tailgroup
- Takagi curve
- take
- take up the slack
- étale
- Tamari lattice
- tame
- tangent bundle
- tangential triangle
- tangent line
- tangentoid
- tangent plane
- tangent space
- tangle
- Tannakian
- Tanner graph
- tantipartite
- Tanzalin method
- target
- Tarjan's algorithm
- Tarski-Seidenberg theorem
- tau
- tauberian
- Tauberian
- Tauberian theorem
- tau bone
- tau cross
- tau staff
- tautochrone
- tautochronous
- taxicab distance
- taxicab geometry
- taxicab number
- taxi distance
- taxidistance
- Taylor polynomial
- Taylor series
- T-back
- T-bandage
- T-bar
- T-beam
- T-bone
- T-bone steak
- T-cart
- t-crosser
- T-cushion
- t distribution
- t-distribution
- tea leaf paradox
- tee
- Teichmüller space
- Teichmüller-Tukey lemma
- telescope
- tendril perversion
- tensorial
- tensorization
- tensor product
- teragon
- termgraph
- terminal object
- terminate
- terminating
- ternary
- ternary logarithm
- tertile
- tessarine
- tessellate
- tessellation
- tesseracted
- tesseractic
- tesseral
- test-retest method
- tet
- tetracategory
- tetracontadigon
- tetracontakaihexagon
- tetracuspid
- tetrad
- tetradecagonal
- tetradecahedron
- tetradecimal
- tetraexponential
- tetragon
- tetragonism
- tetrahedralizable
- tetrahedralize
- tetrahedral number
- tetrahelix
- tetrahemihexahedron
- tetrakaidecagon
- tetrakaidekahedron
- tetrakis
- tetrakis-
- tetrakis hexahedron
- tetramagic
- tetramodular
- tetranomial
- tetraspace
- tetrate
- tetriamond
- tetrix
- tetromino
- T formation
-* th
- Thales's theorem
- theoretical probability
- theory
- theory of games
- thesis
- theta
- thetaform
- theta function
- theta graph
- thetanullwert
- thickness
- thirder
- Thomson's lamp
- thrackle
- three-dimensional
- Threefish
- threefold
- three-space
- threeven
- throdd
- Thue's theorem
- Thurston's geometrization conjecture
- tie
- Tikhonov regularization
- tileability
- tileable
- tiling
- tilting
- time constant
- time-dependent
- time derivative
- time domain
- time evolution
- time-frequency analysis
- time-frequency representation
- time hierarchy theorem
- time-independent
- time integration
- timelike
- time-one map
- time-ordered
- time parameter
- time parameter space
- time reversal
- time reversal signal processing
- time series
- time-space grid
- times sign
- timestepping
- time term
- time-use survey
- timeweighted
- T-intersection
- Tipler cylinder
- tipping point
- titanic prime
- Titchmarsh convolution theorem
- Tits building
- Tits group
- T-junction
- T-maze
- to
- Tobit
- Toeplitz matrix
- tomahawk
- tombstone
- tomonoid
- tomset
-* ton
- tooth
- top-dimensional
- top-hat transform
- topoisomer
- topological field
- topological group
- topologicality
- topological property
- topological soliton
- topological sort
- topological vector space
- topologist
- topologizable
- topologization
- topologize
- topologized
- topos
- top-shaped
- tore
- toric
- toroid
- toroidality
- toroidalization
- torque
- Torricelli point
- torsion
- torsion subgroup
- torsor
- total
- total function
- totalistic
- totally disconnected
- totally geodesic
- totally ordered
- totally ordered set
- total ordering relation
- total ring of fractions
- totative
- to the
- to the power of
- totient
- totitive
- Touchard polynomial
- touchpoint
- tour
- tournament
- TP
- T perm
- T-piece
- T-pose
- trace
- traceable
- tracial
- traciality
- traciator
- tractable
- tractory
- tractricoid
- tractrix
- tractroid
- trail
- train track
- trajectoid
- transcendence
- transcendence degree
- transcendental function
- transcendental number
- transcendental number theory
- transcorrelation
- transdifferential
- transdimensional
- trans effect
- transfer function
- transfinite
- transfinite induction
- transfinitely
- transfinite number
- transflection
- transformally
- transformation
- transformation matrix
- transient
- transiso
- transition function
- transition map
- transition matrix
- transitive
- transitive set
- transitivity
- transjective
- translate
- translationary
- translocal
- translogarithmic
- transmission function
- transnormal
- transnormalization
- transnumeration
- transparency
- transparent
- transpose conjugate
- transposition
- transposition cipher
- transseries
- transvectant
- transvection
- transversal
- transversality
- transverse
- trapdoor
- trapdoor function
- trapeze
- trapezian
- trapezohedron
- trapezoidal
- trapezoidal rule
- travelling salesman problem
- traverse
- Tree
- treeable
- treelength
- treelikeness
- treeness
- treeplot
- treespace
- treetope
- treewidth
- trefoil
- trefoil knot
- trend
- trendless
- trendlessness
- triacontadigon
- triacontahedron
- triacontakaitetragon
- triacontatetragon
- triadic
- triakis tetrahedron
- trial division
- triality
- triamond
- triangle-free
- triangle group
- triangle wave
- triangular
- triangular hebesphenorotunda
- triangularly
- triangular number
- triangular prism
- triangulate
- triangulation
- triaugmented
- triaxial
- Tribonacci
- tricategorical
- tricategory
- trichotomic
- trichotomous
- trichotomy
- triclustering
- tricomplex
- tricomplexity
- tricomplex number
- tricomponent
- triconnected
- tricorn
- tricubic
- tricuspal
- tricuspoid
- tricuspoid curve
- tricylinder
- tridecagonal
- tridecagram
- tridecahedron
- tridecimal
- tridegree
- tridendriform
- trident
- tridiagonal
- tridiagonality
- tridiagonalization
- tridigital
- tridiminished
- Triebel-Lizorkin space
- triexponential
- trifid cipher
- triforce
- trig
- trigamma function
- trigintaduonion
- trigon
- trigonometrical station
- trigonometric cofunction
- trigonometric identity
- trigonometric series
- trigonometrist
- triharmonic
- trihedral
- trihedron
- trihexagonal
- triholomorphic
- trijective
- trilerp
- trilinear
- trilobular
- trilogarithm
- trimagic
- trimagic square
- trimaximal
- trimean
- trimery
- trinomial
- trinominal
- triomino
- tripartient
- triperfect
- triple
- triple point
- triquadrantal
- trirectangular
- trisect
- trisectability
- trisectible
- trisection
- trisection point
- trisector
- trisectrix
- triskaidecagon
- triskaidecagram
- trisoctahedron
- trispectrum
- trivariant
- trivariate
- trivial
- trivial absolute value
- trivial group
- trivial solution
- trivial topology
- trochoid
- tromino
- trope
- tropical
- tropical geometry
- tropicalization
- truel
- true lover's knot
- truncate
- truncated cube
- truncated cuboctahedron
- truncated dodecahedron
- truncated icosahedron
- truncated icosidodecahedron
- truncated tetrahedron
- truncation
- truncus
- trust anchor
- trustlet
- truststore
- truth function
- truthset
- Tschirnhausen cubic
- Tschirnhaus transformation
- T-section
- T-shaped
- T-shirt
- T-square
- T-step
- T-stop
- T-tail
- t test
- t-test
- T-top
- Tukey lambda distribution
- Tukey's range test
-* tuple
- tuple
- Tupper's self-referential formula
- Turing computable function
- Turingery
- Turing instability
- Turingismus
- Turing pattern
- turn
- Turán graph
- turning number
- turning point
- Turán's brick factory problem
- Turán's theorem
- Tutte matrix
- tweak
- tweakable
- twindragon
- twin paradox
- twin prime conjecture
- twin prime pair
- twist morphism
- twistor
- twistorian
- two-dimensional
- Twofish
- two-form
- two-norm
- two-sided
- two-sided ideal
- two-start
- two-way
- Tychonoff cube
- Tychonoff space
- type
- type I error
- type II error
- type theory
- T-zone