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Définition, traduction, prononciation, anagramme et synonyme sur le dictionnaire libre Wiktionnaire.
Cette page est une version traduite de la page Wiktionnaire:Actualités/032-novembre-2017 et la traduction est terminée à 61 %.

Wiktionnaire:Actualités is a monthly periodical about French Wiktionary, dictionaries and words, published online since April 2015. Everyone is welcome to contribute to it. You can sign in to be noticed of future issues, read old issues and participate to the draft of the next edition. You can also have a look at Regards sur l’actualité de la Wikimedia. If you have any comments, critics or suggestions, our talk page is open!

Actualités - Numéro 32 - novembre 2017



Wiktionary meets the world

  • Friday the 17th of November, in Lyon (France), a workshop was organized about dictionary-making, nicely titled lexicopoïèse. At the cross road of different methodologies and practices, this workshop was filmed and will probably be upload online. Two Wiktionary editors took part, Lyokoï to present the history of French Wiktionary and Noé which talked about the differences in methodology from traditional savant approach to the collaborative work, including a third way with the participative approach used by descriptive linguists. The following day, a dozen of people met again to contribute about an operation called dix mots de la francophonie [ten words of French].
  • The 26th of November, in Paris, a public talk was made about the French Wiktionary, during the Ubuntu Party, a gathering about open source softwares. Pamputt presented some slides available in this page of the Tremendous Wiktionary User Group. A video may be available soon. Stay tuned!

Other presentations to come soon! As every slides free for reuse, you are welcome to set up meeting or presentation close to your place! There is also some slides in English available but none as descriptive as the French ones.



October 20th to November 20th.
  • French entries increased by 2,994 and quotations increased by 2,586. There are now 359,104 lemmas, 529,178 definitions and 334,419 quotations or examples.
  • The three other languages which progressed the most are Northern Sami (+ 4,590 entries), Italian (+ 538 entries) and Nǀu (+ 255 entries).
  • Twenty-six languages were added in the project (here with French names): shall-zwall (+2), korandjé (+2), luhu (+1), bo-rukul (+1), boano (Maluku) (+1), bahonsuai (+1), mehináku (+1), manipa (+1), picuris (+1), tompiro (+1), ito (+1), malgache du plateau (+1), pashayi du Sud-Est (+1), tomadino (+1), thangmi (+1), thakali (+1), taloki (+1), dirasha (+1), toto (+1), kulisusu (+1), wom (Nigeria) (+1), waru (+1), koroni (+1), yawalapití (+1), abu’ (+1).
  • In November 9,795 entries were created for 101 languages!
Words of the month

Statistics provided by Wikiscan:

  • There is now 35,004 illustrative documents (pictures and videos) in French Wiktionary pages. It is 2,149 more than last month. This unusual growth is due to an improvement of the stats.
  • As of November 31, French Wiktionary contains 301 thesauri in French and a total of 453 thesauri in 54 languages!
    No new thesaurus this month, but a better classification of existing thesauri thanks to NicoScribe.

The Questions on words page (WT:QM) records 88 questions in November, compared to 189 in October, 197 in September and 141 in August. It seems it was not only Actualités editors that went busy this month!

Creation of missing lemmas

At the Actualités from last August, we drew the attention of contributors to the missing words in the French Wiktionary that were listed in the category "Missing singular forms in French", because the plural form was listed but not the singular one. This was a success as the gaps were filled with diligence. This month we have added those from other more complex models to complete this task for the whole French part. Soon, the French Wiktionary will no longer present this type of lack, until the addition of new words that will be in this case, first created in the plural without the form in the singular being created simultaneously. Taking this problem into account through the automated category of this problem in the future should make it possible to resolve it more quickly.

A stork on a pylon.

A page is said to be orphaned when it cannot be accessed other than by a search engine (internal or not), i. e. no internal link leads to it. These pages are actually less visible to external search engines, which raises a problem of referencing. A sorting by language has been performed by Jrcourtois on 5,000 entries. More than half are conjugated forms of Portuguese verbs and at least they should be linked to appendices with conjugation tables. This represents a creation of many pages, which will take time. In addition, this check is currently limited to pages that have no links, but ideally each page should be linked to two or three other pages, in order to allow browsing between contents and exploring links between words. If you have any ideas on how to proceed, feel free to enrich the project discussion page.

The dictionary of the month

Abécédaire des mondes lettrés, Enssib [École nationale supérieure des sciences de l’information et des bibliothèques], on line.

Here is another hybrid lexicographic object with an exploration of vocabulary about library through a visualization of words in constellations. The representation of proxemia between words is intended to give meaning without definition, and provides a form of navigation between words that can allow the discovery of new terms quickly. The vocabulary is primarily aimed at the world of books, but wishes to open up to the world of signs and meanings, although the site presentation page is more lyrical than clear on the direction of this project. This artistic blur may be related to the collaborative nature of the project. Voluntary contributions should be submitted to an editorial committee and are expected from specialists. The entire content is published under a free CC BY-NC-ND license, i.e. freely reusable if the authors are quoted, in a non-commercial way and without modifying the content. This license is therefore incompatible with the Wiktionary and severely limits reuse by third parties. In addition, the following sentence on their website, "Any commercial reuse of data must be subject to prior agreement with Enssib." suggests that the drafters do not plan so much to comply with the user license. Finally, the exploration in the site is pleasant, but it is difficult, at this stage of development of the object and with the way it is described, to know what it will be exactly. A chronicle by Noé.

Consultation technique

Durant le mois de novembre, la communauté des développeurs de la Wikimedia Foundation a proposé une grande consultation afin de déterminer dix projets qu’ils réaliseront pendant l’année à venir. C’est la quatrième année qu’ils organisent ce type de maelstrom d’idées qui permettent de formaliser des rêves et des besoins des participant.e.s aux projets. En décembre, les contributrices et contributeurs sont invités à soutenir les propositions qui leur paraissent les meilleures, par un vote. Cette année, le Wiktionnaire se trouve mentionné dans une belle douzaine de propositions ! D’abord dans la catégorie dédiée au Wiktionnaire avec deux fois plus de propositions que l’année dernière mais aussi avec les propositions suivantes :

Si ces idées vous plaisent et que vous aimeriez qu’elles aboutissent, n’hésitez pas à les soutenir !

En vidéo

Cette rubrique vous propose de faire une revue des vidéos sur la linguistique et la langue française du mois, n’hésitez pas à ajouter les vidéos que vous découvrez !

Un lotissement de nichoirs.


Dans son livre Le grand bêtisier des mots, Claude Gagnière propose quelques mots bègues, c’est-à-dire composés d’une répétition, comme flonflon, tsoin-tsoin ou zinzin. Parmi la quinzaine de mots cités, il y en a des bien plus rares, tels douk-douk et ylang-ylang.

Un script a permis de rapidement faire la liste de tous les mots bègues qui sont référencés dans le Wiktionnaire, ce qui donne quelques centaines de résultats. Sans tenir compte des chiffres ou des lettres doubles, la liste commence par : abab, agar-agar, aï-aï, Akiaki, ami-ami, et se termine par : zizi, zonzon, Zoug-Zoug, zozo. On trouve de tout : des onomatopées, des expressions, des noms propres, etc. Les trois plus longs de la liste : jugulaire, jugulaire, cinquante-cinquante et variable variable. Dans les noms propres, on trouve bien sûr Baden-Baden, mais aussi plusieurs villes burkinabées, comme Nioronioro, Gorom-Gorom ou Bouroum-Bouroum. Plus amusant : Ouioui et QwaQwa. Évidemment quelques faux positifs (très peu) se glissent dans la liste, par exemple entent, rentrent, surassuras ou useuse. On finira avec des noms d’oiseaux, qui semblent s’être regroupés autour de la lettre p : pitpit, pleu-pleu, plui-plui et pioupiou. — une chronique par Romainbehar

LexiSession sur les toilettes

Impulsées par le Fantastique Groupe d’utilisateurs et d’utilisatrices de Wiktionnaire, les LexiSessions visent à proposer des thèmes mensuels pour dynamiser l’ensemble des Wiktionnaires simultanément. Les thèmes sont suggérés en amont sur Meta et annoncés chaque mois sur la Wikidémie, l’espace principal de discussion.

La LexiSession de novembre était sur le thème des toilettes mais celui-ci semble n’avoir que peu intéressé les contributeurs et contributrices, puisque le thésaurus WC n’a été que très peu amélioré. Tant pis !

Pour le mois de décembre, le thème proposé est le thé !

Anciens numéros