Catégorie:Locutions adverbiales en anglais
Cette catégorie regroupe les locutions adverbiales en anglais
Cette catégorie comprend seulement la sous-catégorie ci-dessous.
Pages dans la catégorie « Locutions adverbiales en anglais »
Cette catégorie comprend 670 pages, dont les 200 ci-dessous.
(page précédente) (page suivante)A
- a bit
- a cappella
- à contrecœur
- à deux
- a fortiori
- à gogo
- a handful
- à la carte
- à la française
- à la russe
- a little
- a long time
- a lot
- à outrance
- a posteriori
- a priori
- a propos
- à propos de bottes
- a time a dozen
- a trifle
- ab initio
- above all
- above one’s paygrade
- accidentally on purpose
- ad hominem
- ad infinitum
- ad lib
- ad nauseam
- ad valorem
- ad valorem duty
- after a fashion
- after all
- after dark
- against all better judgment
- against the law
- al desko
- all along
- all at once
- all in
- all in all
- all of a sudden
- all over
- all over again
- all the same
- all the time
- all the while
- all things considered
- also known as
- among other things
- amongst other things
- and all
- and all that
- and also
- and counting
- and so forth
- and so on
- and so on and so forth
- anno domini
- another time
- any more
- any old how
- anywhere else
- arm in arm
- around the clock
- around the corner
- as a consequence
- as a last resort
- as a matter of fact
- as a rule of thumb
- as a whole
- as all get out
- as all get-out
- as always
- as far as I know
- as far as one knows
- as follows
- as for the rest
- as good as
- as good as dead
- as husband and wife
- as is being said
- as it were
- as its name suggests
- as much
- as of now
- as one goes along
- as per usual
- as regards
- as soon as possible
- as the crow flies
- as to
- as usual
- as well
- as you wish
- ass to mouth
- at a stretch
- at a time
- at all
- at all cost
- at all costs
- at any cost
- at any moment
- at any time
- at bay
- at cost
- at cost price
- at dark
- at death’s door
- at ease
- at first
- at first glance
- at first sight
- at gunpoint
- at half-mast
- at jar
- at last
- at least
- at leisure
- at length
- at long last
- at most
- at once
- at present
- at random
- at some time
- at the drop of a hat
- at the end of the day
- at the moment
- at the money
- at the outset
- at the place
- at the right time
- at the same time
- at the time
- at will
- au contraire
- au naturel
- back and forth
- back in the day
- bar none
- behind bars
- behind closed doors
- behind someone’s back
- behind the scenes
- believe it or not
- better and better
- between a rock and a hard place
- between Scylla and Charybdis
- bit by bit
- body and soul
- by a whisker
- by accident
- by acclamation
- by air
- by chance
- by default
- by definition
- by ear
- by extension
- by far
- by force
- by hand
- by heart
- by implication
- by luck
- by mistake
- by no means
- by now
- by rote
- by surprise
- by tender
- by the book
- by the by
- by the look of it
- by the skin of one’s teeth
- by the way
- by twos