Utilisateur:Thomas le numéro 24/Index de mots manquants sur mathématiques en anglais/P
- Pachner move
- packetization
- packetize
- packetizer
- packing
- pack-year
- pad
- padding
- Padé approximant
- p-adic
- p-adic absolute value
- p-adic norm
- p-adic number
- p-adic order
- p-adic ordinal
- p-adic ultrametric
- Padovan sequence
- pairing function
- pair of pants
- palm
- palma
- palmo
- pam
- pancake number
- pancake sorting
- pancake theorem
- pancyclic
- pandiagonal
- pandiagonal magic square
- pandigital
- panilla
- panmagic
- paper wallet
- Pappian
- Pappus's hexagon theorem
- parabicanonical
- parabola
- parabolar
- parabolic
- parabolism
- paraboloid
- paraboloid of revolution
- paracanonical
- paracentric
- paracompact
- paracompactifying
- paracomplex
- paracomposition
- paracontact
- paracontrolled
- paracontrolled distribution
- paradifferential
- paradox
- paradoxical
- paradox of fiction
- paradox of saving
- paradox of thrift
- parahoric
- paralinear
- parallelepiped
- parallelepipedal
- parallelizability
- parallelizable
- parallelohedron
- parallelotope
- parallel postulate
- parallel transport
- param
- parametric
- parametric equation
- parametrix
- parametrize
- paramodular
- paraphenylenediamine
- paraproduct
- parasang
- paratactic
- paratopological
- paratopological group
- paraunitary
- paravector
- paraxial
- parentheme
- parenthesis
- Pareto distribution
- Pareto efficient
- Pareto improvement
- Pareto optimal
- parity
- parity game
- Paropamisadae
- Parrondo's paradox
- Parseval's theorem
- parsimonization
- part
- partial autocorrelation
- partial derivative
- partial differential
- partial differential equation
- partial fraction
- partial function
- partially ordered
- partially ordered set
- partial order
- partial ordering relation
- partial out
- partial sum
- particular integral
- partition
- partition function
- partitioning cellular automaton
- partition of unity
- Party A
- Party B
- pascal
- Pascal's triangle
- Pasch's axiom
- Pasch's theorem
- passive attack
- password
- password wallet
- path length
- pathwidth
- patristocrat
- pattern
- pattern word
- Pauli matrix
- Pauli vector
- payoff function
- peak
- peakedness
- peakon
- Peano axiom
- Peano curve
- peanosphere
- pear-shaped
- pebble
- pebbler
- peck
- pedal curve
- Peggy
- Pell number
- Pell's equation
- penalty function
- pencil
- peninvariant
- pennyland
- pentacontagon
- pentacontahedron
- pentacontaheptachoron
- pentacron
- pentacube
- pentadal
- pentadecathlon
- pentadecimal
- pentadiagonal
- pentaflake
- pentagonal prism
- pentagonohedron
- pentagrid
- pentahedron
- pentakis-
- pentakis dodecahedron
- pentalateral
- pentamery
- pentasectible
- pentaspherical
- pentate
- pentation
- pentatope
- pentatope number
- penteract
- penthemimer
- pentiamond
- pentic
- pentile
- pentille
- pentomino
- penultimate
- pepper
- Pepsi paradox
- percentage
- percentage point
- percentage rate
- percentilation
- perceptron
- perceptronium
- percolation theory
- perfect
- perfect cube
- perfect field
- perfect number
- perfectoid
- perfect power
- perfect set
- perforation
- periapsis
- perigon
- perimeterless
- period
- periodic
- periodic continued fraction
- periodic function
- periodicity
- periodogram
- periot
- periplectic
- permanental
- permutahedral
- permutation
- permutation box
- permutation group
- permute
- permutizer
- permutohedron
- permuton
- perpendicular
- perplexity
- Perron's formula
- persistence
- persistent
- person-day
- perspectivity
- persymmetric
- persymmetry
- perturb
- perturbation
- perturbed
- perverse
- perversion
- Peter Pan generation
- Petersen-Morley theorem
- Petersen's theorem
- Petersson inner product
- Pfaffian
- P-frame
- p-hacking
- phase
- phase angle
- phase function
- phase plane
- phase space
- phasor
- phenylenediamine
- phi
- phinary
- phone survey
- photon circle
- photon sphere
- pica
- Picard-Lindelöf theorem
- pick up the slack
- picul
- Pi Day
- Pidduck polynomial
- pie
- piecewise
- piecewise-defined
- piecewise linear
- pigeonhole principle
- pignistic
- pigpen
- pigpen cipher
- pi-heptomino
- pinch point
- pingo
- pinscape
- pint
- piphilologist
- pippian
- Pisano period
- Pisot-Vijayaraghavan number
- pith
- pivot
- pivot operation
- PL
- plabic
- place of decimals
- place value
- plactic
- plagiogonal
- plain text
- plaintext
- planar
- planar graph
- Planck energy
- Planck pressure
- plane angle
- plane curve
- plane geometry
- plane graph
- plane of symmetry
- plane-parallel
- plane tree
- planigon
- planimetry
- plasterable
- plateau effect
- Platonic solid
- Platt scaling
- platykurtic
- platykurtosis
- platykurtotic
- Playfair
- please excuse my dear Aunt Sally
- plectic
- plenarily
- plesiohedron
- plethron
- plethysm
- plethystic
- -plex
- plexus
- plough
- ploughgate
- ploughland
- Plücker coordinate
- Plücker embedding
- Plücker matrix
- Plücker relation
- plug and chug
- plug in
- plug into
- pluperfect
- pluperfection
- pluricanonical
- pluriclosed
- plurifine
- plurigenus
- pluriharmonic
- pluripolar
- plurisubharmonic
- plus mark
- plus-minus sign
- plus sign
- plutino
- ply
- pmf
- Pochhammer symbol
- Poincaré ball
- Poincaré-Birkhoff-Witt theorem
- Poincaré disk
- Poincaré map
- Poincaré recurrence time
- Poincaré space
- point
- point at infinity
- pointclass
- point cloud
- pointed
- point elasticity
- point-free
- point function
- point group
- pointless
- pointlessness
- pointless topology
- point mass
- point of inflection
- point of tangency
- point source
- pointwise
- poise
- poisoning attack
- Poisson
- Poisson distribution
- Poissonian
- Poisson process
- polar
- polar axis
- polar cone
- polar coordinates
- polar equation
- polarity
- polegada
- Polignac's conjecture
- Polish notation
- Polish space
- Pollard's rho algorithm
- pollum
- poloid
- polyabolo
- polyache
- polyacron
- polyalgorithm
- polyangle
- polyare
- Pólya's conjecture
- Polybius square
- polycell
- polychoron
- polycontexturality
- polyconvex
- polyconvexity
- polycube
- polycycle
- polydisc
- polydivisible
- polydrafter
- polyexponential
- polyfold
- polyform
- polygamma function
- polygenic
- polygenically
- polygonality
- polygon-circle graph
- polygonhood
- polygonization
- polygonize
- polygonness
- polygonometry
- polygraph
- polyharmonic
- polyhe
- polyhedral
- polyhedroid
- polyhedrometry
- polyhex
- polyiamond
- polykay
- polykite
- polyline
- polylinear
- polylog
- polylogarithm
- polylogarithmic
- polyloglog
- polymatroid
- polymodality
- polymorphism
- polynema
- polynome
- polynomial
- polynomial algebra
- polynomial basis
- polynomial form
- polynomial function
- polynomial ring
- polynomial time
- polynomic
- polynomiograph
- polynomiography
- polynormal
- polyomino
- polyplet
- polyquadratic
- polysaturated
- polyserial
- polysingularity
- polyspectrum
- polysphere
- polysquare
- polystick
- polysymplectic
- polytan
- polytetrahedron
- polytomous
- polyton
- polytopal
- polytorus
- polytree
- polytrope
- polytropic
- polyvariant
- polyzeta
- pomset
- pons asinorum
- ponto
- pood
- Popoviciu's inequality
- population
- population density
- population mean
- population pyramid
- porism
- PoS
- posedness
- posetal
- posheaf
- position
- position vector
- positive-definite
- positive linear functional
- positive measure
- positive recurrence
- positive recurrent
- positive-sum
- positone
- positroid
- posology
- possibilistic
- postboomer
- postcompose
- postcritical
- postdominance
- postdominant
- postdominate
- postdominator
- posterior
- posterior probability
- postmaximal
- postmillennial
- Post-Millennials
- postmultiply
- poststate
- pot
- potato paradox
- potency
- potential theory
- potrzebie
- pound
- pound-force
- pous
- PoW
- power
- power-associative algebra
- power center
- powerful
- powerful number
- power function
- power law
- powerlike
- poweroid
- powerstructure
- power tower
- practical number
- practice
- pratfall effect
- prealgebra
- prealgebraic
- preassociative
- preasymptotic
- precalculus
- precanonical
- precisely unless
- precision
- precompact
- precompose
- precomposition
- preconditioner
- precongruence
- precover
- precovering
- predecessor
- predictand
- prediction
- predictive
- predictor variable
- predimension
- predual
- pre-echo
- preexponent
- preexponential
- preferential attachment
- prefundamental
- pregeometry
- pregroupoid
- pre-Hilbert space
- prehomogeneous
- preimage
- preimage attack
- premarginalization
- premaximal
- premaximality
- premetric
- pre-mine
- premodular
- premouse
- premultiply
- prenex
- preordered
- preplay
- prepotential
- preprimitive
- preprojective
- prequantization
- prequential
- preradical
- preregular
- presemifield
- presentation
- presented
- preshared
- presheaf
- presignature
- presmooth
- presmoothing
- prestack
- presymplectic
- pretopological
- pretopology
- pretrain
- pretrained
- pretzel knot
- pretzel link
- pretzelosity
- prevariety
- prewellordering
- prewhiten
- primality
- primary ideal
- prime constellation
- prime factor
- prime factorization
- prime field
- prime gap
- prime ideal
- primeless
- primeness
- prime number theorem
- prime reciprocal magic square
- prime ring
- prime subring
- prime triplet
- primitive
- primitive element
- primitive polynomial
- primitive root
- primorial
- primorial prime
- principal
- principal ideal
- principal ideal domain
- principal ideal ring
- principal part
- principal root
- principal square root
- principal ultrafilter
- prior
- prior probability
- prismatoid
- prismoid
- private key
- proba
- probabilistic
- probabilistics
- probability
- probability density
- probability density function
- probability distribution
- probability mass function
- probability measure
- probability space
- probability theory
- probable
- probable error
- probit
- procyclic
- prodiscrete
- produce
- product
- productive
- product ring
- product rule
- product topology
- profinite
- profinite group
- profunctor
- progression
- project
- projectability
- projectable
- projectionless
- projection matrix
- projective
- projective frame
- projective geometry
- projective Hilbert space
- projective line
- projective module
- projective plane
- projective space
- projective variety
- projectivity
- projectivization
- projector
- prompt
- prompt crafting
- prompt engineer
- prompt engineering
- prompt injection
- promptuary
- pronic
- pronilfactor
- pronormal
- pronumeral
- proof
- proof by contradiction
- proof of burn
- proof of stake
- proof of work
- proompt
- propelinear
- proper
- properad
- properadic
- proper class
- proper divisor
- proper fraction
- properness
- proper subset
- proper value
- proportion
- proportional
- proposition
- proregular
- prospectivity
- prosthaphaeresis
- prosthaphaeretic
- Proth number
- Proth prime
- protoadditive
- protograph
- protomodular
- prototile
- Prouhet-Tarry-Escott problem
- provector
- psc
- psephology
- pseudoalgebra
- pseudoanalytical
- pseudoangle
- pseudo-Anosov
- pseudoapproximation
- pseudocaterpillar
- pseudocircle
- pseudocodeword
- pseudocollarable
- pseudocompact
- pseudocompactness
- pseudo-complement
- pseudocomplex
- pseudoconcave
- pseudoconformal
- pseudocontractive
- pseudoconvex
- pseudocoronal
- pseudocorrelation
- pseudocount
- pseudocubic
- pseudodifferential
- pseudodifferential operator
- pseudodigraph
- pseudodimension
- pseudodistance
- pseudodivision
- pseudodual
- pseudoduality
- pseudo-edge
- pseudoeffective
- pseudofinite
- pseudoform
- pseudofunction
- pseudofunctor
- pseudograph
- pseudogroup
- pseudohermitian
- pseudoholomorphic
- pseudohyperbolic
- pseudoideal
- pseudointersection
- pseudoinverse
- pseudoinversion
- pseudoinverted
- pseudoisotropic
- pseudolikelihood
- pseudoline
- pseudolinear
- pseudolocality
- pseudologarithmic
- pseudolongitudinal
- pseudomanifold
- pseudomeasure
- pseudomedian
- pseudometric
- pseudomoment
- pseudomonoid
- pseudomonotone
- pseudomultiplication
- pseudonumerical
- pseudoperfect
- pseudoperiod
- pseudopolynomial
- pseudopopulation
- pseudoprime
- pseudoproper
- pseudoquotient
- pseudoracemic
- pseudoradical
- pseudorational
- pseudoreflection
- pseudoreflexive
- pseudoremainder
- pseudoreplicate
- pseudoreplication
- pseudorepresentation
- pseudoresidual
- pseudorhombic
- pseudo-Riemannian manifold
- pseudoring
- pseudoroot
- pseudosequence
- pseudospectral
- pseudospectrum
- pseudosphere
- pseudospherical
- pseudospinor
- pseudotensor
- pseudotensorial
- pseudotriangle
- pseudotriangulation
- pseudoumbilical
- pseudounitary
- pseudovalue
- pseudovariety
- pseudovector
- P-shaped
- psi function
- psig
- Ptolemy's theorem
- P trap
- pubkey
- publication bias
- public key
- public-key cryptography
- Puertopia
- puffer
- puffer train
- pulgada
- pullback
- pull-down
- pulsar
- pulse wave
- pun
- puncheon
- punctal
- punctual
- punctured interval
- punctured neighborhood
- punto
- purely imaginary
- purely imaginary number
- pursuit curve
- pushdown automaton
- pushforward
- pushout
- p-value
- pyramidal
- pyramidal number
- pyramid inch
- pyramidoid
- pyramidoidal
- pyramoid
- pyritohedral
- pyritohedron
- Pythagoras
- Pythagorean quadruple
- Pythagorean theorem
- Pythagorean triangle
- Pythagorean trigonometric identity
- Pythagorean triple