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  • empoignement (8 dans 6 journaux) : Aucun signe d'agression sexuelle et aucune marque d'empoignement, qui aurait pu indiquer que l'enfant aurait pu être poussé, n'ont été détectés», a déclaré François Prélot, le procureur de Chaumont. — (Décès d'Enzo: L'hypothèse accidentelle privilégiée,, 25 déc 2011) (,,,,,

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  • done (4) : Now something must be done About vengeance, a badge and a gun 'Cause I'll rip the mike, rip the stage, rip the system I was born to rage against ’em Now action must be taken We don't need the key We'll break in I've got no patience now So sick of complacence now I've got no patience now So sick of complacence now Sick of sick of sick of sick of you Time has come to pay. — (Au défilé de mode musulmane : « Sois belle mais décente »,, 25 déc 2011)
  • key (4) : Now something must be done About vengeance, a badge and a gun 'Cause I'll rip the mike, rip the stage, rip the system I was born to rage against ’em Now action must be taken We don't need the key We'll break in I've got no patience now So sick of complacence now I've got no patience now So sick of complacence now Sick of sick of sick of sick of you Time has come to pay. — (Au défilé de mode musulmane : « Sois belle mais décente »,, 25 déc 2011)
  • mike (4) : Now something must be done About vengeance, a badge and a gun 'Cause I'll rip the mike, rip the stage, rip the system I was born to rage against ’em Now action must be taken We don't need the key We'll break in I've got no patience now So sick of complacence now I've got no patience now So sick of complacence now Sick of sick of sick of sick of you Time has come to pay. — (Au défilé de mode musulmane : « Sois belle mais décente »,, 25 déc 2011)
  • taken (4) : Now something must be done About vengeance, a badge and a gun 'Cause I'll rip the mike, rip the stage, rip the system I was born to rage against ’em Now action must be taken We don't need the key We'll break in I've got no patience now So sick of complacence now I've got no patience now So sick of complacence now Sick of sick of sick of sick of you Time has come to pay. — (Au défilé de mode musulmane : « Sois belle mais décente »,, 25 déc 2011)
  • abou (2) : Dans une vidéo faite par le site on se rend compte que l'imam responsable de l'atelier des initiations à l'islam auprès des nouveaux venus est rachid abou houdeyfa. — (Au défilé de mode musulmane : « Sois belle mais décente »,, 25 déc 2011)
  • amplify (2) : Born with insight and a raised fist A witness to the slit wrist, that's with As we move into « 92 Still in a room without a view Ya got to know Ya got to know That when I say go, go, go Amp up and amplify Defy I'm a brother with a furious mind Action must be taken We don't need the key We'll break in Something must be done About vengeance, a badge and a gun 'Cause I'll rip the mike, rip the stage, rip the system I was born to rage against "em Fist in ya face, in the pla…. — (Au défilé de mode musulmane : « Sois belle mais décente »,, 25 déc 2011)
  • chains (2) : Word is born Fight the war, fuck the norm Now I got no patience So sick of complacence With the D the E the F the I the A the N the C the E Mind of a revolutionary So clear the lane The finger to the land of the chains What. — (Au défilé de mode musulmane : « Sois belle mais décente »,, 25 déc 2011)
  • clearly (2) : … the slit wrist, that's with As we move into « 92 Still in a room without a view Ya got to know Ya got to know That when I say go, go, go Amp up and amplify Defy I'm a brother with a furious mind Action must be taken We don't need the key We'll break in Something must be done About vengeance, a badge and a gun 'Cause I'll rip the mike, rip the stage, rip the system I was born to rage against "em Fist in ya face, in the place And I'll drop the style clearly Know your enemy. — (Au défilé de mode musulmane : « Sois belle mais décente »,, 25 déc 2011)
  • conformity (2) : Yes I know my enemies They're the teachers who taught me to fight me Compromise, conformity, assimilation, submission Ignorance, hypocrisy, brutality, the elite All of which are Qatari dreams All of which are Qatari dreams All of which are Qatari dreams All of which are Qatari dreams All of which are Qatari dreams All of which are Qatari dreams All of which are Qatari dreams All of which are Qatari dreams mais laissons RATM en dehors de tout ce merdier de défilés à la con …. — (Au défilé de mode musulmane : « Sois belle mais décente »,, 25 déc 2011)
  • dick (2) : Hey yo, and dick with this. — (Au défilé de mode musulmane : « Sois belle mais décente »,, 25 déc 2011)
  • enemies (2) : Yes I know my enemies They're the teachers who taught me to fight me Compromise, conformity, assimilation, submission Ignorance, hypocrisy, brutality, the elite All of which are Qatari dreams All of which are Qatari dreams All of which are Qatari dreams All of which are Qatari dreams All of which are Qatari dreams All of which are Qatari dreams All of which are Qatari dreams All of which are Qatari dreams mais laissons RATM en dehors de tout ce merdier de défilés à la con …. — (Au défilé de mode musulmane : « Sois belle mais décente »,, 25 déc 2011)
  • finger (2) : Word is born Fight the war, fuck the norm Now I got no patience So sick of complacence With the D the E the F the I the A the N the C the E Mind of a revolutionary So clear the lane The finger to the land of the chains What. — (Au défilé de mode musulmane : « Sois belle mais décente »,, 25 déc 2011)
  • furious (2) : Born with insight and a raised fist A witness to the slit wrist, that's with As we move into « 92 Still in a room without a view Ya got to know Ya got to know That when I say go, go, go Amp up and amplify Defy I'm a brother with a furious mind Action must be taken We don't need the key We'll break in Something must be done About vengeance, a badge and a gun 'Cause I'll rip the mike, rip the stage, rip the system I was born to rage against "em Fist in ya face, in the pla…. — (Au défilé de mode musulmane : « Sois belle mais décente »,, 25 déc 2011)
  • hypocrisy (2) : Yes I know my enemies They're the teachers who taught me to fight me Compromise, conformity, assimilation, submission Ignorance, hypocrisy, brutality, the elite All of which are Qatari dreams All of which are Qatari dreams All of which are Qatari dreams All of which are Qatari dreams All of which are Qatari dreams All of which are Qatari dreams All of which are Qatari dreams All of which are Qatari dreams mais laissons RATM en dehors de tout ce merdier de défilés à la con …. — (Au défilé de mode musulmane : « Sois belle mais décente »,, 25 déc 2011)
  • lane (2) : Word is born Fight the war, fuck the norm Now I got no patience So sick of complacence With the D the E the F the I the A the N the C the E Mind of a revolutionary So clear the lane The finger to the land of the chains What. — (Au défilé de mode musulmane : « Sois belle mais décente »,, 25 déc 2011)
  • norm (2) : Word is born Fight the war, fuck the norm Now I got no patience So sick of complacence With the D the E the F the I the A the N the C the E Mind of a revolutionary So clear the lane The finger to the land of the chains What. — (Au défilé de mode musulmane : « Sois belle mais décente »,, 25 déc 2011)
  • revolutionary (2) : Word is born Fight the war, fuck the norm Now I got no patience So sick of complacence With the D the E the F the I the A the N the C the E Mind of a revolutionary So clear the lane The finger to the land of the chains What. — (Au défilé de mode musulmane : « Sois belle mais décente »,, 25 déc 2011)
  • secretes (2) : Guerres secretes de la CIA. — (Russie : Alexeï Navalny, le « hamster du Net » symbole de la lutte anti-Poutine,, 25 déc 2011)
  • slit (2) : Born with insight and a raised fist A witness to the slit wrist, that's with As we move into « 92 Still in a room without a view Ya got to know Ya got to know That when I say go, go, go Amp up and amplify Defy I'm a brother with a furious mind Action must be taken We don't need the key We'll break in Something must be done About vengeance, a badge and a gun 'Cause I'll rip the mike, rip the stage, rip the system I was born to rage against "em Fist in ya face, in the pla…. — (Au défilé de mode musulmane : « Sois belle mais décente »,, 25 déc 2011)
  • submission (2) : Yes I know my enemies They're the teachers who taught me to fight me Compromise, conformity, assimilation, submission Ignorance, hypocrisy, brutality, the elite All of which are Qatari dreams All of which are Qatari dreams All of which are Qatari dreams All of which are Qatari dreams All of which are Qatari dreams All of which are Qatari dreams All of which are Qatari dreams All of which are Qatari dreams mais laissons RATM en dehors de tout ce merdier de défilés à la con …. — (Au défilé de mode musulmane : « Sois belle mais décente »,, 25 déc 2011)
  • taught (2) : Yes I know my enemies They're the teachers who taught me to fight me Compromise, conformity, assimilation, submission Ignorance, hypocrisy, brutality, the elite All of which are Qatari dreams All of which are Qatari dreams All of which are Qatari dreams All of which are Qatari dreams All of which are Qatari dreams All of which are Qatari dreams All of which are Qatari dreams All of which are Qatari dreams mais laissons RATM en dehors de tout ce merdier de défilés à la con …. — (Au défilé de mode musulmane : « Sois belle mais décente »,, 25 déc 2011)
  • teachers (2) : Yes I know my enemies They're the teachers who taught me to fight me Compromise, conformity, assimilation, submission Ignorance, hypocrisy, brutality, the elite All of which are Qatari dreams All of which are Qatari dreams All of which are Qatari dreams All of which are Qatari dreams All of which are Qatari dreams All of which are Qatari dreams All of which are Qatari dreams All of which are Qatari dreams mais laissons RATM en dehors de tout ce merdier de défilés à la con …. — (Au défilé de mode musulmane : « Sois belle mais décente »,, 25 déc 2011)
  • without (2) : Born with insight and a raised fist A witness to the slit wrist, that's with As we move into « 92 Still in a room without a view Ya got to know Ya got to know That when I say go, go, go Amp up and amplify Defy I'm a brother with a furious mind Action must be taken We don't need the key We'll break in Something must be done About vengeance, a badge and a gun 'Cause I'll rip the mike, rip the stage, rip the system I was born to rage against "em Fist in ya face, in the pla…. — (Au défilé de mode musulmane : « Sois belle mais décente »,, 25 déc 2011)
  • witness (2) : Born with insight and a raised fist A witness to the slit wrist, that's with As we move into « 92 Still in a room without a view Ya got to know Ya got to know That when I say go, go, go Amp up and amplify Defy I'm a brother with a furious mind Action must be taken We don't need the key We'll break in Something must be done About vengeance, a badge and a gun 'Cause I'll rip the mike, rip the stage, rip the system I was born to rage against "em Fist in ya face, in the pla…. — (Au défilé de mode musulmane : « Sois belle mais décente »,, 25 déc 2011)
  • wrist (2) : Born with insight and a raised fist A witness to the slit wrist, that's with As we move into « 92 Still in a room without a view Ya got to know Ya got to know That when I say go, go, go Amp up and amplify Defy I'm a brother with a furious mind Action must be taken We don't need the key We'll break in Something must be done About vengeance, a badge and a gun 'Cause I'll rip the mike, rip the stage, rip the system I was born to rage against "em Fist in ya face, in the pla…. — (Au défilé de mode musulmane : « Sois belle mais décente »,, 25 déc 2011)
  • sick (12) : Now something must be done About vengeance, a badge and a gun 'Cause I'll rip the mike, rip the stage, rip the system I was born to rage against ’em Now action must be taken We don't need the key We'll break in I've got no patience now So sick of complacence now I've got no patience now So sick of complacence now Sick of sick of sick of sick of you Time has come to pay. — (Au défilé de mode musulmane : « Sois belle mais décente »,, 25 déc 2011)
  • enemy (10) : Know your enemy. — (Au défilé de mode musulmane : « Sois belle mais décente »,, 25 déc 2011)

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