Baily’s metal
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[modifier le wikicode]- (ca. 1853) Du nom de Sir Francis Baily. La déformation Bailey’s metal apparaît aux alentours de 1880.
Locution nominale
[modifier le wikicode]singulier (Indénombrable) |
Baily’s metal \ˈbeɪˌliz ˈmɛˌtəl\ |
Baily’s metal
- (Métallurgie) Métal de Baily : alliage de 16 parties de cuivre pour 2,5 parties d’étain et une partie de zinc, qui possède un coefficient d’expansion thermique très faible et une excellente rigidité.
- It will be remembered that the destruction of the Houses of Parliament by fire in 1834 proved fatal to the Standard Yard and Pound. […] The standard-yard measure is defined by the interval between two lines upon a bar of gun-metal. […] On the upper surface of the bar, the following inscription is engraved:
Copper, - - - - - 16 oz.
Tin, - - - - - 2½
Zinc, - - - - - 1
Mr. Baily’s metal.
The standard yard at 62°.10 Fahrenheit, cast in 1845. Troughton & Simms, London.
It is necessary to observe that, although the bar was cast so long ago as 1845, the standard yard has been completed only very lately. — (Hamilton L. Smith, éditeur, The Annals of Science, vol. II, no. 4 (avril), Harris & Fairbanks, Cleveland (OH), 1854, p. 92)
- It will be remembered that the destruction of the Houses of Parliament by fire in 1834 proved fatal to the Standard Yard and Pound. […] The standard-yard measure is defined by the interval between two lines upon a bar of gun-metal. […] On the upper surface of the bar, the following inscription is engraved:
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