Bailey’s metal
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Locution nominale
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Bailey’s metal \ˈbeɪˌliz ˈmɛˌtəl\ |
Bailey’s metal
- (Métallurgie) Autre nom du métal de Baily (Baily’s metal).
Measurements are primarily derived in Great Britain and her colonies, and in the United States, from the English Imperial or standard yard. This yard is marked upon a bar of Bailey’s metal (composed of 16 parts copper, 2½ parts tin, and 1 part zinc), an inch square and 38 inches long. One inch from each end is drilled a hole about three quarters through the whole depth of the bar, into which are fitted gold plugs, whose upper end faces are level with the axis of the bar. Across each plug is marked a fine line, and the distance between these lines was finally made the standard English yard by an Act of Parliament passed in 1855.
— (Joshua Rose, Modern Machine-Shop Practice, volume 1, chapitre XIV (Measuring Machines, Tools, and Devices), Charles Scribner's Sons, New York, 1887)