eat crow
[modifier le wikicode]- (XIXe siècle) Apparu dans les années 1870 aux États-Unis sour la forme eat boiled crow. D’origine inconnue - mais probablement parce que la viande du corbeau est peu appétissante.
- Composé de eat et de crow.
Locution verbale
[modifier le wikicode]Temps | Forme |
Infinitif | to eat crow \Prononciation ?\ |
Présent simple, 3e pers. sing. |
eats crow |
Prétérit | ate crow |
Participe passé | eaten crow |
Participe présent | eating crow |
voir conjugaison anglaise |
eat crow \Prononciation ?\
- (États-Unis) Accepter une défaite humiliante.
He must apologise, he saw that clearly enough, must eat crow, as he told himself.
— (Frank Norris, The Octopus, ch. 2, 1901)The Nationals started with Jerome Herman ("Dizzy") Dean, who reveled in striking out Lou Gehrig in the first inning. Gehrig made Dean eat crow in the third inning by smashing a home run.
— ("Baseball Races", Time, 19 juillet 1937)In political libel, furthermore, a public recanting by the vilifier is more likely to be believed by the public, for it is well known that no politician likes to "eat crow" unless he has to.
— (J.C.N.P. "Libel Actions by Political Organizations," University of Pennsylvania Law Review, vol. 98, no. 6, page 883, 1950)
[modifier le wikicode]- (Australie) : écouter « eat crow [Prononciation ?] »
[modifier le wikicode]- Cette page utilise des informations de l’article du Wiktionnaire en anglais, sous licence CC BY-SA 4.0 : eat crow. (liste des auteurs et autrices)