Utilisateur:Thomas le numéro 24/Index de mots manquants sur mathématiques en anglais/L
- L1
- L2
- L3
- L4
- L5
- laceability
- laceable
- lacunary
- lacunary function
- lacunary series
- ladderize
- ladder operator
- Lagrange point
- Lagrange polynomial
- Lagrange's equations
- Lagrange's interpolation formula
- Lagrangian
- Lagrangian function
- Lagrangian point
- Laguerre polynomial
- Laguerre's equation
- Lah number
- lake of Wada
- lambda
- lambda expression
- lambdoid
- lambdoidal
- lambdoid suture
- lambert
- Lambert series
- Lambert W function
- lamination
- lamplighter group
- Landauer limit
- Landauer's principle
- Landau-Ramanujan constant
- Landau-Siegel zero
- Landau's problems
- land mile
- Langevin function
- Langlands
- Langlands conjecture
- Langlands program
- Langlands programme
- langley
- Langton's ant
- language model
- Laplace
- Laplace-de Rham operator
- Laplace distribution
- Laplace expansion
- Laplace operator
- Laplace plane
- Laplace's equation
- Laplace transform
- Laplacian
- Laplacian matrix
- large language model
- last photon orbit
- latent
- latent space
- latent variable
- lateral area
- lateral surface
- Latin square
- latitude
- lattice point
- lattice theory
- latus rectum
- Laurent polynomial
- law of averages
- law of cosines
- law of large numbers
- law of sines
- law of tangents
- lax
- Lax pair
- lazy S
- L-basing
- L-bend
- lcm
- L cut
- leading diagonal
- leaf
- leafset
- leaf-shaped
- leafspace
- leafwise
- league
- leap
- least common multiple
- leastness
- least squares
- leavable
- leave-one-out
- Lebesgue integral
- Lebesgue measurable
- Lebesgue measure
- lectic
- lectical
- lectically
- ledger
- Leech lattice
- Lefschetz fixed-point theorem
- left coset
- left eigenvalue
- left eigenvector
- left ideal
- left identity
- left inverse
- left nullspace
- left total
- leg
- Legendre polynomial
- Legendre's conjecture
- Legendre's constant
- Legendre's differential equation
- Legendre symbol
- Legendre transformation
- legendrian
- legua
- Leibniz algebra
- lemmatically
- lemniscate of Bernoulli
- lemniscate of Gerono
- Lemoine hexagon
- Lemoine point
- lemon
- length
- lensoidal
- Leonardo number
- leptokurtic
- leptokurtosis
- leptokurtotic
- lerp
- L-estimator
- let be
- lethek
- letterplace
- level
- Levi-Civita field
- Levi graph
- Lévy flight
- Lévy hierarchy
- lexicographic order
- L-fuzzy
- L'Hôpital's rule
- liar paradox
- liar's paradox
- libra
- libration point
- Lickorish-Wallace theorem
- lie above
- Lie algebra
- Lie group
- lie over
- Life
- Life-like cellular automaton
- Life without Death
- lift
- lifter
- liftering
- lifting
- lifting the exponent
- light day
- light hour
- lightlike
- light minute
- light paper
- light second
- lightspeed
- lightweight spaceship
- light year
- like terms
- limaçon
- limaçon of Pascal
- limit cardinal
- limit comparison test
- limit cycle
- limitless
- limit ordinal
- limit point
- lim sup
- Lindelöf
- Lindelöf covering theorem
- Lindelöf space
- Lindemann-Weierstrass theorem
- Lindley equation
- linea
- linear
- linear algebraic group
- linear combination
- linear dependence
- linear equation
- linear foot
- linear form
- linear function
- linear functional
- linear group
- linear independence
- linearity
- linearizable
- linearization
- linearly dependent
- linearly independent
- linear meter
- linear metre
- linearoid
- linear operator
- linear order
- linear pair
- linear regression
- linear span
- linear subspace
- linear sum
- linear transformation
- linear triplet
- line graph
- line integral
- line of apsides
- line of centers
- line of striction
- lineoid
- line plot
- line segment
- line slip
- lingula
- linha
- link
- Liouville number
- Liouville's formula
- Lipschitz
- Lipschitz condition
- Lipschitz continuity
- liquidity pool
- liquidity provider
- Li's criterion
- Lissajous curve
- Lissajous figure
- Lissajous orbit
- Listing number
- liter
- lithocapture
- litre
- Little's law
- lituus
- live on
- livre
- L.L.M.
- LM
- loaf
- Lobachevskian
- Löb's paradox
- local
- locale
- localic
- locality
- localization
- localize
- locally
- locally compact
- locally compact group
- locally finite
- locally indicable
- locally small
- local maximum
- local minimum
- local ring
- location arithmetic
- lod
- Loday algebra
- logarithmancy
- logarithmic derivative
- logarithmic function
- logarithmic integral
- logarithmic spiral
- logarithmic trigonometric function
- logic
- logicomathematical
- logistic
- logistic curve
- logistic function
- logistic growth
- logit
- loglike
- loglikelihood
- log-linear
- log-log
- loglog
- log-logistic
- lognormal
- logocyclic curve
- logometric
- logrank
- logseries
- long division
- longitude
- long line
- long tail
- long ton
- loop
- loopoid
- loopspace
- loose edge
- LoRA
- Lorentz group
- Lorentz invariant
- Lorentz transformation
- loss function
- lossless
- lossy
- lost generation
- lowdimensional
- low Earth orbit
- lower limit
- lower semi-continuous
- lower set
- lowest common denominator
- lowest common multiple
- loxodromic
- LP
- Lp space
- L-shaped
- L square
- L-system
- lt
- lth
- LU
- Lucasian
- Lucas polynomial
- Ludolphian number
- Ludolph's constant
- Ludolph's number
- lugeon
- lumen
- lumpability
- lune
- lune of Hippocrates
- lux
- LV
- Lyapunov exponent
- Lyapunov orbit
- Lychrel number