Utilisateur:Thomas le numéro 24/Index de mots manquants sur mathématiques en anglais/B
- babyboomer
- baby boomlet
- baby buster
- backcalculate
- backcalculation
- backchain
- backpropagation
- backshift
- back substitution
- backward induction
- bagplot
- bahar
- Bailey-Borwein-Plouffe formula
- Baire function
- Baire space
- balance
- balanced category
- balayage
- balayaged
- ball
- ball and stick
- ball-and-stick model
- ballean
- Banach space
- Banach-Tarski paradox
- banana-shaped
- bandle
- bang
- Banzhaf power index
- bar
- barber paradox
- bar chart
- barleycorn
- barn
- Barnes integral
- Barnsley fern
- barrel
- barrelage
- barrel bulk
- barycenter
- barycentre
- base
- base angle
- Basel problem
- basepoint
- base unit
- base year
- basinhopping
- basin of attraction
- basis
- basis spline
- bath
- batman
- battle of the sexes
- Baxterization
- Bayes
- Bayesian
- Bayesianism
- Bayesian network
- Bayes' theorem
- bazillion
- Beal conjecture
- beamspace
- bean curve
- beanplot
- beard-second
- becquerel
- beehive
- beginningless
- beginninglessness
- Behrens-Fisher problem
- beka
- beknottedness
- bel
- belinkedness
- Bellard's formula
- bell curve
- Bellman equation
- Bell number
- Bell polynomial
- bell-shaped
- belong
- Belphegor's prime
- Belyi's theorem
- Ben Franklin effect
- bent function
- berkovets
- Berkson's paradox
- Bernoulli distribution
- Bernoulli number
- Bernoulli polynomial
- Bernoulli process
- Bernoulli umbra
- Bernstein basis polynomial
- Berry paradox
- Bertrand-Chebyshev theorem
- Besicovitch set
- Bessel function
- Besselian
- Bessel's correction
- beta distribution
- beta error
- beta function
- bethe
- Bethe lattice
- Betti number
- betweenness
- Bézier curve
- Bézout domain
- Bézout's identity
- Bézout's theorem
- bezzle
- B-frame
- Bhatia-Davis inequality
- B-heptomino
- biadjacency
- biadjoint
- biadjunction
- biaffine
- bialgebra
- bialgebraic
- bialgebroid
- bialtitude
- Białynicki-Birula decomposition
- bianalytic
- biangle
- biarc
- bias
- biased
- biautomatic
- biautomaton
- biaxial
- bibundle
- bicanonical
- bicapped
- bicartesian closed category
- bicategorical
- bicategory
- bicharacter
- bicharacteristic
- bichromatic
- bicircular
- biclosed
- bicluster
- biclustering
- bicoherence
- bicombing
- bicommutant
- bicomplete
- bicompletion
- bicomplex
- bicomplex number
- bicomposite
- biconditionality
- bicone
- biconical
- biconjugate
- biconnected
- biconnectivity
- biconservative
- bicontinuous
- bicorn
- bicorrelation
- bicriterion
- bicritical
- bicrossproduct
- bicupola
- bicursal
- bicuspid
- bicuspidal
- bicylinder
- bidegree
- bidegreed
- biderivation
- bidiagonal
- bidiagonalization
- bidifferential
- bidimensionality
- bidiminished
- bidirected
- bidisc
- bidiscrete
- bidouble
- bidual
- bielliptic
- bi-elliptic transfer
- biequivalent
- biexponential
- biexponentiality
- bifid cipher
- bifiltration
- biflecnodal
- biflecnode
- bifolium
- bifunction
- bifunctor
- bifundamental
- bifurcation
- bifurcation theory
- bigenus
- bigha
- bigluing
- big O
- bigon
- big O notation
- bigraded
- bigraph
- bigrassmannian
- bihamiltonian
- biharmonic
- bihermitian
- biholomorphic
- biholomorphism
- bihomogeneous
- biinfinite
- biinvariant
- bijective
- bijective numeration
- bilanguage
- bilaplacian
- bilattice
- bilerp
- bilimit
- bilinear
- bilinear form
- bilinearization
- bilinearly
- bilogarithmic
- bimagic
- bimagic square
- bimaximal
- bimedial
- bimedian
- bimeromorphic
- bimetric
- bimodality
- bimodule
- bimonad
- bimonoidal
- bimorphic
- bimorphism
- binarion
- binarize
- binary arithmetic
- binary distribution
- binary function
- binary logarithm
- binary operation
- binary relation
- binary system
- bincount
- binning
- binode
- binoid
- binomial
- binomial coefficient
- binomial distribution
- binomial series
- binomial theorem
- binormal
- binormally
- binsize
- binwidth
- bio-inspired
- biomathematics
- biomodel
- biordinal
- biorthogonal
- biorthogonalization
- biorthonormal
- biostatistics
- biparavector
- bipartite
- bipartization
- biplanar
- bipower
- biprimality
- biprime
- biprism
- biproduct
- biprojective
- biproportional
- bipyramid
- biquadrate
- biquadrated
- biquadratic
- biquandle
- biquasiprimitive
- biquaternion
- biquinary
- biquotient
- birack
- birational
- birational geometry
- birationally
- birectangular
- biregular
- bireversible
- birthday attack
- birthday effect
- birthday paradox
- birthday problem
- birthrate
- bis-
- biscribed
- bisecant
- bisection method
- biserial
- biset
- bispace
- bispanning
- bispectrum
- bispherical
- bisquare
- bistatistics
- bistochastic
- bisymmetric
- bisymmetry
- bit
- bitangent
- bitangential
- bitcent
- bitcoin
- bitcoiner
- Bitcoin faucet
- bitcoinization
- bit-compressed
- bitensor
- biternary
- bithreshold
- bitopological
- bitrade
- bitransitive
- bitruncated
- bitruncation
- bit slice
- bitslice
- bitvector
- biunique
- bivariable
- bivariably
- bivariance
- bivariant
- bivariate
- bivariational
- bivector
- biweight
- black chamber
- black room
- black top-hat transform
- blade
- blancmange curve
- blindable
- blinker
- Blissard's symbolic method
- blobular
- Bloch function
- Bloch space
- Bloch's theorem
- block
- block cellular automaton
- blockchain
- block cipher
- block design
- block graph
- blocking
- block model
- blockmodeling
- block system
- block time
- blocktime
- blockwise
- Blowfish
- blow up
- Blum integer
- board foot
- board-foot
- Boas-Buck polynomial
- boat
- boat conformation
- Bob
- bochka
- bocs
- body
- Boerdijk-Coxeter helix
- Bolyaian
- Bolzano-Weierstrass property
- Bombieri-Friedlander-Iwaniec theorem
- Bondareva-Shapley theorem
- bondomer
- Boolean algebra
- Boolean derivative
- Boolean function
- Boolean lattice
- Boolean logic
- Boolean ring
- Boolean variable
- boomer
- boomerish
- boomeritis
- boomer remover
- Boothian
- bootstrapper
- bordism
- Borel
- Borel function
- borelian
- Borel measurable
- Borel measure
- Borel set
- Borel summation
- Borel transform
- Borel σ-algebra
- bornological
- bornology
- boron tree
- borrow
- Borůvka's algorithm
- bosonification
- bottom-hat transform
- bottomless pit
- bound
- boundary condition
- boundary group
- boundary homomorphism
- boundary term
- bounded
- bounded function
- bounded lattice
- bounding
- boundless
- boundlessness
- bouquet
- bouquet of circles
- bouquet of spheres
- Bourbakian
- box
- box and whiskers plot
- boxcar
- boxcar function
- boxicity
- BP
- Bps
- brachistochrone
- bracket
- Brahmagupta's formula
- braid group
- braid statistics
- branch
- branch cut
- branch-decomposition
- branching process
- branch tee
- branchwidth
- brass
- Brauer group
- Bravais lattice
- braza
- breadth
- breadth-first search
- breakdown point
- breeder
- Brianchon hexagon
- bridge
- bridgeless
- bridgeness
- Briggs logarithm
- Brillouin function
- Brillouin zone
- Bring radical
- British thermal unit
- Brocard circle
- Brocard point
- Brocard's conjecture
- Brocard's problem
- Brocard triangle
- broken diagonal
- broken number
- Brouwer fixed-point theorem
- brown
- Bruck-Ryser-Chowla theorem
- Brunnian braid
- Brunnian link
- Brunn-Minkowski theorem
- Brun's constant
- Brun sieve
- Brun's theorem
- B-shaped
- B-sheaf
- Bubnoff unit
- bucket
- buckyball
- buckyonion
- Budan's theorem
- Buffon's needle problem
- building
- bulk
- bun
- Burali-Forti paradox
- Buridan's ass
- Buridan's bridge
- burning
- bushel
- bus stop
- busy beaver function
- butt
- butterfly
- butterfly effect
- Butterworth filter
- buttload
- button
- buy the dip