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you don’t dip your pen in company ink

Définition, traduction, prononciation, anagramme et synonyme sur le dictionnaire libre Wiktionnaire.
Composé de you, do, not, dip, your, pen et in.
→ voir dip one's pen in someone's inkwell


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you don’t dip your pen in company ink

  1. (Sens figuré) Mieux vaut ne pas mélanger travail et plaisir romantique.
    • 1998, Roxanne Roberts, "Men's Bad Rep: Just a Bad Rap?," Washington Post, 28 Sep., p. A1 (retrieved 13 Dec. 2008):
      "In my job, young hot things have been coming up to me for years," says Fletcher, the retired pilot. "You don't dip your pen in company ink."
    • 2006, W. Blake Gray, "Ravens to Riches," San Franciso Chronicle, 27 Jul. (retrieved 13 Dec. 2008):
      It wasn't money that attracted his current wife, Madeleine Deininger, who started working for Ravenswood in 1985. . . . "We had the policy that you don't dip your pen in company ink. We stayed good friends for a long time," Peterson says.

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