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don’t shit where you eat

Définition, traduction, prononciation, anagramme et synonyme sur le dictionnaire libre Wiktionnaire.
Composé de do, not, shit, where, you et eat.


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don’t shit where you eat

  1. (Sens figuré) (Vulgaire) Mieux vaut ne pas semer le trouble là où on reviendra.
    • 1998 April 14, Nelson Navarro, "Ever faithful, ever true," Manila Standard (Philippines) (retrieved 12 Aug. 2011):
      The guiding principle is Don't shit where you eat. Office romances are always destructive of morale and objectivity.
    • 2003 Oct. 8, Jonathan Valania, "Rush Limbaugh Is a Big Pussy," Philadelphia Weekly (retrieved 12 Aug. 2011):
      Limbaugh was scheduled to deliver the keynote speech at the NAB convention in, of all places, Philadelphia, thus violating the cardinal law of the animal kingdom: Don't shit where you eat.
    • 2006 Sept. 19, Michael Musto, "NY Mirror," Village Voice (retrieved 12 Aug. 2011):
      Mitchell refused to indulge in on-set romances with either gender. "You don't shit where you eat," he told me, plainly.


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