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Définition, traduction, prononciation, anagramme et synonyme sur le dictionnaire libre Wiktionnaire.

Anglais[modifier le wikicode]

Étymologie[modifier le wikicode]

(1680) Mot composé de shop « magasin » et de lifter, dérivé nominal de lift « voler, piquer, faucher » avec le suffixe -er.

Nom commun [modifier le wikicode]

Singulier Pluriel


  1. Personne qui vole dans un magasin durant ses heures d’ouverture.
    • The shoplifters are much less to be dreaded than the sneak, as they do not carry off cash, and rarely any very valuable property; they have, however, lately hit on a scheme which has proved successful in numerous instances. […] It cannot be too often enforced on the shopkeeper, that these men know the places which are good for this purpose, and that careless people will always have an abundance of customers of this kind, and that it is their own fault, in all cases of shoplifting, when they lose their goods.— (Fraser's magazine for town and country, Volume 39, 1832)

Dérivés[modifier le wikicode]

Prononciation[modifier le wikicode]

Références[modifier le wikicode]