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Temps Forme
Infinitif to culminate
\Prononciation ?\
Présent simple,
3e pers. sing.
Prétérit culminated
Participe passé culminated
Participe présent culminating
voir conjugaison anglaise

culminate intransitif

  1. Culminer.
    • A crisis culminating at the New York Gold Exchange, with threatened disturbance of our foreign commerce, and a panic in the stock market, have been the leading financial features of September. — (Article « Monetary », page 124. The American Exhange & Review, vol. XVI (septembre 1869-février 1870), no 2 (octobre 1869).)
      La traduction en français de l’exemple manque. (Ajouter)
    • Being without a name, the ridge may be appropriately referred to as the Elk Mountain ridge, from the so-called Elk Mountain, its most prominent landmark, in which, near the State line, 25 miles east-northeast of Jarbidge, it culminates at about 8,500 feet above the sea. — (lang)en, A Reconnaissance of the Jarbidge, Contact and Elk Mountain Mining Districts, Elko County, Nevada, page 21. United States Government Printing Office, 1912.)
      La traduction en français de l’exemple manque. (Ajouter)
  2. (Sens figuré) Aboutir à, déboucher sur, se terminer par, conduire à.


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