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Wiktionnaire All Weekly Collaborations

Définition, traduction, prononciation, anagramme et synonyme sur le dictionnaire libre Wiktionnaire.
Cette page est une version traduite de la page Wiktionnaire:Collaboration de la semaine/Résumé et la traduction est terminée à 100 %.

This page offers a brief vision of all past weekly suggestions. It is translatable in order to help other Wiktionarians to pick ideas for their own project. In general, five to seven words are suggested to be created. A couple of topic are related to specific events such as international days.

Inventory of items (hyponyms)

Generic items

Abstract items


Plants and food

Nature, geography and toponymy

Concepts in a domain or specialty

Expressions around a word

Short stories

Synonyms of a word or an expression

Parts of (holonyms)

Words made through a similar way

Same part of speech or structure

Same affix

Derivative processes

Same first letter

Regional usages

Terms for realia

Terms in use in a specific area

Words with a common origin