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  • promotional (3) : · Work with MPH consultants to prepare charter handbook and promotional material and revise CODESA guidelines. — (Ima world health : Program officer, Radio Okapi, 21 janv 2014)
  • academic (2) : CORE VALUES AND COMPETENCIES REQUIRED · Integrity· Leadership · Teamwork · Communication · Creativity · Drive for results MINIMUM EDUCATIONAL QUALIFICATIONS AND EXPERIENCE · At least a bachelor’s degree in public administration, economics, communication or any relevant academic qualification in a similar field. — (Ima world health : Program officer, Radio Okapi, 21 janv 2014)
  • handbook (2) : · Work with MPH consultants to prepare charter handbook and promotional material and revise CODESA guidelines. — (Ima world health : Program officer, Radio Okapi, 21 janv 2014)

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Article existant sans section française[modifier le wikicode]

  • absolutely : · Familiarity with the requirements and challenges of mobilizing community leadership in provincial settings · a good sense of attractive design of printed materials, while not absolutely necessary, will be an asset · Having personal contacts in the Ministry of Public Health and the Kinshasa academic community and the ability to develop new contacts will confer a strong advantage to a candidate. — (Ima world health : Program officer, Radio Okapi, 21 janv 2014)
  • academics : · Strong diplomatic and facilitating skills, and maturity and depth of understanding that allows the candidate to collaborate comfortably with both Ministry officials and academics on sensitive governance and accountability issues are important skills. — (Ima world health : Program officer, Radio Okapi, 21 janv 2014)
  • comfortably : · Strong diplomatic and facilitating skills, and maturity and depth of understanding that allows the candidate to collaborate comfortably with both Ministry officials and academics on sensitive governance and accountability issues are important skills. — (Ima world health : Program officer, Radio Okapi, 21 janv 2014)
  • consciousness : Il rejoignait donc le camp de ceux qui pensent que le « difficile problème de la conscience » (hard problem of consciousness en anglais), selon le terme inventé par le philosophe australien David Chalmers, n’est pas solutionnable dans le cadre d’une réduction de la conscience à l'exécution d'algorithmes. — (Des calculateurs quantiques dans le cerveau ?, Futura-Sciences, 21 janv 2014)
  • deploying : · Lead the process for developing and deploying a "standards of service" pledge. — (Ima world health : Program officer, Radio Okapi, 21 janv 2014)
  • funny : Il était d'une famille tellement drôle que de génération en génération, même si less and less dans c'te family-là ils étaient presque pu capabes de parler français, they where still making de funny jokes. — (Juste pour rire et la francophonie, prise 2, Le, 21 janv 2014)
  • improved : · Implement effective program management by facilitating initial operational research into effective community evaluation of health services and processes health zones use to gather community feedback, analyze it and make decisions leading to improved service. — (Ima world health : Program officer, Radio Okapi, 21 janv 2014)
  • laught : Le plus funiest de tout't, c'est quand the worst was nearly done et pi que, pour really laught out loud, il a inventé un concours de jokes drôles pour faire plaisir aux winners et finir de tuer les loosers qui comprennent toujours pas how to really make money of all that. — (Juste pour rire et la francophonie, prise 2, Le, 21 janv 2014)
  • liberales : Couillard dit que c'est une question de "valeurs liberales",il me semble que ces valeurs en questions font passer les libertes religieuses avant l'egalite homme-femme. — (Rupture au PLQ, Le, 21 janv 2014)
  • loud : Le plus funiest de tout't, c'est quand the worst was nearly done et pi que, pour really laught out loud, il a inventé un concours de jokes drôles pour faire plaisir aux winners et finir de tuer les loosers qui comprennent toujours pas how to really make money of all that. — (Juste pour rire et la francophonie, prise 2, Le, 21 janv 2014)
  • mobilizing : · Familiarity with the requirements and challenges of mobilizing community leadership in provincial settings · a good sense of attractive design of printed materials, while not absolutely necessary, will be an asset · Having personal contacts in the Ministry of Public Health and the Kinshasa academic community and the ability to develop new contacts will confer a strong advantage to a candidate. — (Ima world health : Program officer, Radio Okapi, 21 janv 2014)
  • pledge : · Lead the process for developing and deploying a "standards of service" pledge. — (Ima world health : Program officer, Radio Okapi, 21 janv 2014)
  • presentations : · Ability to plan and organize workshops (including budgeting and budget control) · Excellent working knowledge of MS Office tools (Word, Excel, and PowerPoint) for text editing, data collection, analysis and public presentations. — (Ima world health : Program officer, Radio Okapi, 21 janv 2014)
  • reinforcement : …AM MANAGER (CHE) POSITION SUMMARY Under the direct supervision of the Program Manager for Community Empowerment, Agriculture and Nutrition of the IMA World Health’s DFID-funded "Acces aux Soins de Santé Primaire" (ASSP) Project, the Program Officer will help the project to implement the reinforcement of elements of a culture of accountability in the National Health Service and create opportunities for local communities to play more active roles in holding the health service accountable. — (Ima world health : Program officer, Radio Okapi, 21 janv 2014)
  • reinforcing : · Coordinate the process for reinforcing CODESAs in their role of oversight and accountability. — (Ima world health : Program officer, Radio Okapi, 21 janv 2014)
  • settings : · Familiarity with the requirements and challenges of mobilizing community leadership in provincial settings · a good sense of attractive design of printed materials, while not absolutely necessary, will be an asset · Having personal contacts in the Ministry of Public Health and the Kinshasa academic community and the ability to develop new contacts will confer a strong advantage to a candidate. — (Ima world health : Program officer, Radio Okapi, 21 janv 2014)