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  • asylum (4) : Instead, she stated that she had lied about its occurrence and fabricated the details, and that this false incident was part of the narrative that she had been directed to memorize as part of her asylum application process. — (La lettre du procureur aux avocats de DSK,, 1 juil 2011)
  • husband (4) : When her husband attempted to return to what was left of their home the next day, she stated that he was again beaten, arrested and imprisoned by police and soldiers. — (La lettre du procureur aux avocats de DSK,, 1 juil 2011)
  • beaten (3) : She stated that she also was beaten when she attempted to come to her. — (La lettre du procureur aux avocats de DSK,, 1 juil 2011)
  • fled (3) : In the interim between the incident and her supervisor's arrival, she claimed to have remained in the same area of the main hallway on the 28th floor to which she had initially fled. — (La lettre du procureur aux avocats de DSK,, 1 juil 2011)
  • grids (3) : Aux États-Unis, où les recherches dans ce domaine sont actives, un rapport publié en 2010 concluait que les smart grids aboutiraient en 2030, à l'échelle du pays, à une réduction de 12 % de la consommation électrique et des émissions de CO2. — (Du Wi-Fi à 70 kilomètres... mais pour la gestion de l'énergie électrique, Futura-Sciences, 1 juil 2011)
  • pompoms (3) : Sur la place du Palais, les policiers aussi sont très élégants, avec leurs casques blancs bombés et leurs pompoms rouges. — (Monaco : Albert et Charlene se sont dit «oui»,, 1 juil 2011)
  • submitted (3) : In several interviews with prosecutors, she reiterated these falsehoods when questioned about her history and background, and stated that she did so in order to remain consistent with the statement that she had submitted as part of her application. — (La lettre du procureur aux avocats de DSK,, 1 juil 2011)
  • attempted (2) : She stated that she also was beaten when she attempted to come to her. — (La lettre du procureur aux avocats de DSK,, 1 juil 2011)
  • choices (2) : "We make choices every day. — (BAC. Fuite des sujets d'anglais ?,, 1 juil 2011)
  • claimed (2) : In the interim between the incident and her supervisor's arrival, she claimed to have remained in the same area of the main hallway on the 28th floor to which she had initially fled. — (La lettre du procureur aux avocats de DSK,, 1 juil 2011)
  • defendant (2) : In the weeks following the incident charged in the indictment, the complainant told detectives and assistant district attorneys on numerous occasions that, after being sexually assaulted by the defendant on May 14, 2011 in Suite 2806, she fled to an area of the main hallway of the hotel's 28th floor and waited there until she observed the defendant leave Suite 2806 and the 28th floor by entering an elevator. — (La lettre du procureur aux avocats de DSK,, 1 juil 2011)
  • ell (2) : À 17 ans, ell e rêve de médailles internationales. — (Princesse pour le pire et pour le meilleur,, 1 juil 2011)
  • entering (2) : In the weeks following the incident charged in the indictment, the complainant told detectives and assistant district attorneys on numerous occasions that, after being sexually assaulted by the defendant on May 14, 2011 in Suite 2806, she fled to an area of the main hallway of the hotel's 28th floor and waited there until she observed the defendant leave Suite 2806 and the 28th floor by entering an elevator. — (La lettre du procureur aux avocats de DSK,, 1 juil 2011)
  • fabricated (2) : Instead, she stated that she had lied about its occurrence and fabricated the details, and that this false incident was part of the narrative that she had been directed to memorize as part of her asylum application process. — (La lettre du procureur aux avocats de DSK,, 1 juil 2011)
  • factual (2) : In interviews in connection with the investigation of this case, the complainant admitted that the above factual information, which she provided in connection with her asylum application, was false. — (La lettre du procureur aux avocats de DSK,, 1 juil 2011)
  • hallway (2) : In the interim between the incident and her supervisor's arrival, she claimed to have remained in the same area of the main hallway on the 28th floor to which she had initially fled. — (La lettre du procureur aux avocats de DSK,, 1 juil 2011)
  • mycket (2) : Albert remercie d'un «tack sa mycket» (merci beaucoup) sans aucun accent. — (Princesse pour le pire et pour le meilleur,, 1 juil 2011)
  • pedal (2) : Dans une ambiance détendue, Young et les Harvesters jouent avec les codes de la country (contre-chant au violon, plaintes de la pedal steel) et secouent par moments le genre par des percées électrisantes (Motor City, Soul of a Woman, Grey Riders). — (La sélection CD pour les schumanniens frustrés,, 1 juil 2011)
  • prosecutors (2) : In several interviews with prosecutors, she reiterated these falsehoods when questioned about her history and background, and stated that she did so in order to remain consistent with the statement that she had submitted as part of her application. — (La lettre du procureur aux avocats de DSK,, 1 juil 2011)
  • questioned (2) : The complainant testified to this version of events when questioned in the Grand jury about her actions following the incident in Suite 2806. — (La lettre du procureur aux avocats de DSK,, 1 juil 2011)
  • soldiers (2) : When her husband attempted to return to what was left of their home the next day, she stated that he was again beaten, arrested and imprisoned by police and soldiers. — (La lettre du procureur aux avocats de DSK,, 1 juil 2011)
  • victim (2) : During both of these interviews, the victim cried and appeared to be markedly distraught when recounting the incident. — (La lettre du procureur aux avocats de DSK,, 1 juil 2011)

Occurrence unique

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  • additional
  • aerosol : ) européen EUCAARI (European integrated projection aerosol cloud climate air quality interactions) d'étude du rôle des aérosols sur le climat et la qualité de l'air viennent de publier un article de synthèse de l'ensemble des travaux scientifiques réalisés au cours des quatre dernières années. — (Pollution ou réchauffement climatique: faudra-t-il choisir ?, Techno-Science, 1 juil 2011)
  • ambush : Spécialiste de l'ambush marketing (autrement dit du marketing sauvage), il insiste sur la nécessité pour les marques de se différencier les unes des autres en faisant un véritable travail d'activation des partenariats. — (Les marques restent fidèles au Tour de France,, 1 juil 2011)
  • appeared : During both of these interviews, the victim cried and appeared to be markedly distraught when recounting the incident. — (La lettre du procureur aux avocats de DSK,, 1 juil 2011)
  • arrested : When her husband attempted to return to what was left of their home the next day, she stated that he was again beaten, arrested and imprisoned by police and soldiers. — (La lettre du procureur aux avocats de DSK,, 1 juil 2011)
  • arrival : In the interim between the incident and her supervisor's arrival, she claimed to have remained in the same area of the main hallway on the 28th floor to which she had initially fled. — (La lettre du procureur aux avocats de DSK,, 1 juil 2011)
  • assaulted : In the weeks following the incident charged in the indictment, the complainant told detectives and assistant district attorneys on numerous occasions that, after being sexually assaulted by the defendant on May 14, 2011 in Suite 2806, she fled to an area of the main hallway of the hotel's 28th floor and waited there until she observed the defendant leave Suite 2806 and the 28th floor by entering an elevator. — (La lettre du procureur aux avocats de DSK,, 1 juil 2011)
  • attributed : In her statement, she attributed the beatings to the couple's opposition to the regime. — (La lettre du procureur aux avocats de DSK,, 1 juil 2011)
  • beatings fait
  • bypass : J'ai prescrit ce médicament pour les cas rebelles et plus particulièrement lors d'obésité pour booster l'action du régime et surtout pour éviter d'en passer par la chirurgie bariatrique, les anneaux et les bypass. — (Dukan s'explique,, 1 juil 2011)
  • category : Le non alimentaire souffre de la concurrence de l'e-commerce, mais aussi des enseignes spécialisées, qui ont poussé comme des champignons et que les distributeurs surnomment "category killers", littéralement "tueurs de rayons". — (eCommerce: Carrefour délègue le non-alimentaire à Pixmania, L', 1 juil 2011)
  • certified : In her application, she certified under penalty of perjury that her written statement was true. — (La lettre du procureur aux avocats de DSK,, 1 juil 2011)
  • circumstances : Finally, during the course of this investigation, the complainant was untruthful with assistant district attorneys about a variety of additional topics concerning her history, background, present circumstances and personal relationships. — (La lettre du procureur aux avocats de DSK,, 1 juil 2011)
  • contained : She stated that she fabricated the statement with the assistance of a male who provided her with a cassette recording of the facts contained in the statement that she eventually submitted. — (La lettre du procureur aux avocats de DSK,, 1 juil 2011)
  • cranberry fait
  • dated : In an application for Asylum and for Withholding of Removal dated December 30, 2004, the complainant provided the United States Departiment of Justice Immigration and Naturalization Service with factual information about herself, her background and her experiences in her home country of Guinea. — (La lettre du procureur aux avocats de DSK,, 1 juil 2011)
  • de mon : les phases de consolidation et de stabilisation demon régime. — (Dukan s'explique,, 1 juil 2011)
  • denounce : Following his death, according to her, she began to denounce the regime and finally fled the country in fear of her life, entering the United States in January 2004 to seek refuge (she has told prosecutors that she used a fraudulent visa). — (La lettre du procureur aux avocats de DSK,, 1 juil 2011)
  • deprived : She stated that during her husband's incarceration, he was tortured, deprived of medical treatment and eventually died as a result of his maltreatment. — (La lettre du procureur aux avocats de DSK,, 1 juil 2011)
  • destroyed : Among other things, the complainant stated that the home that she shared with her husband was destroyed by police and soldiers acting on behalf of the regime, and that she and her husband were beaten by them. — (La lettre du procureur aux avocats de DSK,, 1 juil 2011)
  • detectives : In the weeks following the incident charged in the indictment, the complainant told detectives and assistant district attorneys on numerous occasions that, after being sexually assaulted by the defendant on May 14, 2011 in Suite 2806, she fled to an area of the main hallway of the hotel's 28th floor and waited there until she observed the defendant leave Suite 2806 and the 28th floor by entering an elevator. — (La lettre du procureur aux avocats de DSK,, 1 juil 2011)
  • directed : Instead, she stated that she had lied about its occurrence and fabricated the details, and that this false incident was part of the narrative that she had been directed to memorize as part of her asylum application process. — (La lettre du procureur aux avocats de DSK,, 1 juil 2011)
  • disclose : In connection with the above-captioned case, the People disclose the following information to the defense pursuant to Criminal Procedure Law 240. — (La lettre du procureur aux avocats de DSK,, 1 juil 2011)
  • distraught : During both of these interviews, the victim cried and appeared to be markedly distraught when recounting the incident. — (La lettre du procureur aux avocats de DSK,, 1 juil 2011)
  • eastern : Une étude menée au large du Chili et du Pérou par une équipe de chercheurs issus du Laboratoire d'océanographie microbienne (LOMIC/OOB, UPMC / CNRS) et du Center of oceanographic research for the eastern south Pacific (COPAS) de l'Université de Concepcion (Chili) a mis en évidence pour la première fois l'utilisation d'azote atmosphérique par des microorganismes marins dans des conditions de faible niveaux d'oxygène. — (Zones de minimum d'oxygène dans l'océan et cycle de l'azote, Techno-Science, 1 juil 2011)
  • elevator : In the weeks following the incident charged in the indictment, the complainant told detectives and assistant district attorneys on numerous occasions that, after being sexually assaulted by the defendant on May 14, 2011 in Suite 2806, she fled to an area of the main hallway of the hotel's 28th floor and waited there until she observed the defendant leave Suite 2806 and the 28th floor by entering an elevator. — (La lettre du procureur aux avocats de DSK,, 1 juil 2011)
  • entitled : Additionally, the complainant has stated that for the past two tax years, she declared a friend's child in addition to her own as a dependent on her tax returns for the purpose of increasing her tax refund beyond that to which she was entitled. — (La lettre du procureur aux avocats de DSK,, 1 juil 2011)
  • experiences : In an application for Asylum and for Withholding of Removal dated December 30, 2004, the complainant provided the United States Departiment of Justice Immigration and Naturalization Service with factual information about herself, her background and her experiences in her home country of Guinea. — (La lettre du procureur aux avocats de DSK,, 1 juil 2011)
  • falsehoods : In several interviews with prosecutors, she reiterated these falsehoods when questioned about her history and background, and stated that she did so in order to remain consistent with the statement that she had submitted as part of her application. — (La lettre du procureur aux avocats de DSK,, 1 juil 2011)
  • harassed : In substance, the complainant's statement claimed that she and her husband had been persecuted and harassed by the dictatorial regime that was then in power in Guinea. — (La lettre du procureur aux avocats de DSK,, 1 juil 2011)
  • hesitate : Please do not hesitate to contact us with any questions. — (La lettre du procureur aux avocats de DSK,, 1 juil 2011)
  • income : She also admitted to misrepresenting her income in order to maintain her present housing. — (La lettre du procureur aux avocats de DSK,, 1 juil 2011)
  • increasing : Additionally, the complainant has stated that for the past two tax years, she declared a friend's child in addition to her own as a dependent on her tax returns for the purpose of increasing her tax refund beyond that to which she was entitled. — (La lettre du procureur aux avocats de DSK,, 1 juil 2011)
  • initially : In the interim between the incident and her supervisor's arrival, she claimed to have remained in the same area of the main hallway on the 28th floor to which she had initially fled. — (La lettre du procureur aux avocats de DSK,, 1 juil 2011)
  • markedly : During both of these interviews, the victim cried and appeared to be markedly distraught when recounting the incident. — (La lettre du procureur aux avocats de DSK,, 1 juil 2011)
  • memorize : Instead, she stated that she had lied about its occurrence and fabricated the details, and that this false incident was part of the narrative that she had been directed to memorize as part of her asylum application process. — (La lettre du procureur aux avocats de DSK,, 1 juil 2011)
  • memorized : She memorized these facts by listening to the recording repeatedly. — (La lettre du procureur aux avocats de DSK,, 1 juil 2011)
  • misrepresenting : She also admitted to misrepresenting her income in order to maintain her present housing. — (La lettre du procureur aux avocats de DSK,, 1 juil 2011)
  • nearby : The complainant has since admitted that this account was false and that after the incident in Suite 2806, she proceeded to clean a nearby room and then returned to Suite 2806 and began to clean that suite before she reported the incident to her supervisor. — (La lettre du procureur aux avocats de DSK,, 1 juil 2011)
  • obesity : En 2009, l'étude européenne Diet, obesity and genes menée par le professeur Arne Astrup de l'université de Copenhague observait ainsi que l'apport en protéines est la clé du maintien du poids après un régime. — (Dukan s'explique,, 1 juil 2011)
  • observed : In the weeks following the incident charged in the indictment, the complainant told detectives and assistant district attorneys on numerous occasions that, after being sexually assaulted by the defendant on May 14, 2011 in Suite 2806, she fled to an area of the main hallway of the hotel's 28th floor and waited there until she observed the defendant leave Suite 2806 and the 28th floor by entering an elevator. — (La lettre du procureur aux avocats de DSK,, 1 juil 2011)
  • perjury : In her application, she certified under penalty of perjury that her written statement was true. — (La lettre du procureur aux avocats de DSK,, 1 juil 2011)
  • persecuted : In substance, the complainant's statement claimed that she and her husband had been persecuted and harassed by the dictatorial regime that was then in power in Guinea. — (La lettre du procureur aux avocats de DSK,, 1 juil 2011)
  • proceeded : The complainant has since admitted that this account was false and that after the incident in Suite 2806, she proceeded to clean a nearby room and then returned to Suite 2806 and began to clean that suite before she reported the incident to her supervisor. — (La lettre du procureur aux avocats de DSK,, 1 juil 2011)
  • pursuant : Taylor and Brafman, In connection with the above-captioned case, the People disclose the following information to the defense pursuant to Criminal Procedure Law 240. — (La lettre du procureur aux avocats de DSK,, 1 juil 2011)
  • raped : Presently, the complainant states that she would testify that she was raped in the past in her native country but in an incident different than the one that she described during initial interviews. — (La lettre du procureur aux avocats de DSK,, 1 juil 2011)
  • recounting : During both of these interviews, the victim cried and appeared to be markedly distraught when recounting the incident. — (La lettre du procureur aux avocats de DSK,, 1 juil 2011)
  • reda : ", s'enflamme reda. — (L'affaire DSK vue de Twitter : sarcasmes et petites blagues,, 1 juil 2011)
  • refund : Additionally, the complainant has stated that for the past two tax years, she declared a friend's child in addition to her own as a dependent on her tax returns for the purpose of increasing her tax refund beyond that to which she was entitled. — (La lettre du procureur aux avocats de DSK,, 1 juil 2011)
  • reiterated : In several interviews with prosecutors, she reiterated these falsehoods when questioned about her history and background, and stated that she did so in order to remain consistent with the statement that she had submitted as part of her application. — (La lettre du procureur aux avocats de DSK,, 1 juil 2011)
  • relationships : Finally, during the course of this investigation, the complainant was untruthful with assistant district attorneys about a variety of additional topics concerning her history, background, present circumstances and personal relationships. — (La lettre du procureur aux avocats de DSK,, 1 juil 2011)
  • remained : In the interim between the incident and her supervisor's arrival, she claimed to have remained in the same area of the main hallway on the 28th floor to which she had initially fled. — (La lettre du procureur aux avocats de DSK,, 1 juil 2011)
  • repeated : She repeated these facts orally during the course of her asylum application process. — (La lettre du procureur aux avocats de DSK,, 1 juil 2011)
  • salud : Chávez sobre su estado de salud par Globovision «Il s'agit d'une intervention importante, réalisée sans complications, à la suite de laquelle j'ai évolué de façon satisfaisante. — (Chavez reconnaît avoir été opéré d'un cancer,, 1 juil 2011)
  • seek : FoIlowing his death, according to her, she began to denounce the regime and finally fled the country in fear of her life, entering the United States in January 2004 to seek refuge (she has told prosecutors that she used a fraudulent visa). — (La lettre du procureur aux avocats de DSK,, 1 juil 2011)
  • sexually : In the weeks following the incident charged in the indictment, the complainant told detectives and assistant district attorneys on numerous occasions that, after being sexually assaulted by the defendant on May 14, 2011 in Suite 2806, she fled to an area of the main hallway of the hotel's 28th floor and waited there until she observed the defendant leave Suite 2806 and the 28th floor by entering an elevator. — (La lettre du procureur aux avocats de DSK,, 1 juil 2011)
  • testify : Presently, the complainant states that she would testify that she was raped in the past in her native country but in an incident different than the one that she described during initial interviews. — (La lettre du procureur aux avocats de DSK,, 1 juil 2011)
  • tortured : She stated that during her husband's incarceration, he was tortured, deprived of medical treatment and eventually died as a result of his maltreatment. — (La lettre du procureur aux avocats de DSK,, 1 juil 2011)
  • untruthful : Finally, during the course of this investigation, the complainant was untruthful with assistant district attorneys about a variety of additional topics concerning her history, background, present circumstances and personal relationships. — (La lettre du procureur aux avocats de DSK,, 1 juil 2011)
  • waited : In the weeks following the incident charged in the indictment, the complainant told detectives and assistant district attorneys on numerous occasions that, after being sexually assaulted by the defendant on May 14, 2011 in Suite 2806, she fled to an area of the main hallway of the hotel's 28th floor and waited there until she observed the defendant leave Suite 2806 and the 28th floor by entering an elevator. — (La lettre du procureur aux avocats de DSK,, 1 juil 2011)