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Discussion utilisateur:Eli355

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Dernier commentaire : il y a 6 ans par Noé dans le sujet Welcome to the French Wiktionary

Welcome to the French Wiktionary

[modifier le wikicode]

Hi! Welcome to the French Wiktionary. Hope you will see here many opportunities to share your knowledge.

I see you are applying some formatting corrections to user’s signatures, and I was wondering if you asked them permission for it (also, have you thought about using a bot to apply these corrections? This would be much faster and more efficient). These corrections look fine to me, but I would check with concerned users if they are OK with it beforehand.

Kind regards, — Automatik (discussion) 20 juillet 2018 à 01:49 (UTC)Répondre

I do not approuve this change, made without a prior discussion. I like to use a smiley instead of a — to sign my message and there is no rules against that in French Wiktionary. Please do not change my message Sourire Noé 20 juillet 2018 à 09:39 (UTC)Répondre