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Voir aussi : Xiphias
Du genre Xiphias.
Singulier et pluriel

xiphias \ɡzi.fjas\ masculin

  1. (Ichtyologie) Espadon.


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Du latin xiphias.
Singulier Pluriel
\Prononciation ?\
\Prononciation ?\

xiphias \Prononciation ?\

  1. (Ichtyologie) Espadon.
    • Huge Ziffius, whom Mariners eschew / No lesse, then rockes, as travellers informe. — (Edmund Spenser, The Faerie Queene, II.xii, 1590)
      La traduction en français de l’exemple manque. (Ajouter)
    • S. Malpighi having dissected the Head of a Xiphias or Sword Fish, which hath a very big Eye, observ’d that the middle of the Optick Nerve is nothing else, but a large Membrane, folded according to its length in many Doubles almost like a Fan, and invested by the Dura Mater. — (Philosophical transactions of the Royal Society of London, vol 3, p. 38, 1700)
    • Trebius Niger informs us that [...] the xiphias, or, in other words, the sword-fish, has a sharp-pointed muzzle, with which it is able to pierce the sides of a ship and send it to the bottom. — (Bostock & Riley, trad. Pliny, Natural History,, 1857)
      La traduction en français de l’exemple manque. (Ajouter)
    • In the xiphias, you observe, the enormous elongation of the head is produced by the elongation of the jaws proper – that is to say, of the pre-maxilla and nasal bones. — (Prof. Huxley, "Structure and development of the vertebrate skeleton", The Lancet, 23 mai 1863)
      La traduction en français de l’exemple manque. (Ajouter)


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Du grec ancien ξιφίας, xiphías (« espadon »).
Cas Singulier Pluriel
Nominatif xiphias xiphiae
Vocatif xiphiā xiphiae
Accusatif xiphiān xiphiās
Génitif xiphiae xiphiārum
Datif xiphiae xiphiīs
Ablatif xiphiā xiphiīs

xiphias \Prononciation ?\ masculin

  1. (Ichtyologie) Espadon.
    • thranis, quem alii xiphian vocant. — (Pline, Naturalis Historia, XXXII)
      le thranis, nommé par d'autres xiphias.

Apparentés étymologiques

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  • xiphias sur l’encyclopédie Wikipédia (en latin) 


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  • « xiphias », dans Charlton T. Lewis et Charles Short, A Latin Dictionary, Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1879 → consulter cet ouvrage