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Voir aussi : Willie Pete

Anglais[modifier le wikicode]

Étymologie[modifier le wikicode]

(Guerre du Vietnam) dérivé des initiales WP de white phosphorus (« phosphore blanc »).
Composé de Willie et de Pete.

Nom commun [modifier le wikicode]


willie-pete \ˈwɪliˌpit\

  1. (Indénombrable) (Militaire) Phosphore blanc.
    • Two Huey Cobra gunships—known with lethal elegance as “snakes” to the troops, and that appealed to him—would hose the barracks and provide heavy fire support—but the grenadiers on the team, he was sure, could take out the towers in a matter of five seconds, then pour willie-pete into the barracks and burn the guard force alive with deadly fountains of white flame, doing without the snakes entirely if they had to. — (Tom Clancy, Without Remorse, 1993.)
      La traduction en français de l’exemple manque. (Ajouter)

Variantes orthographiques[modifier le wikicode]

Synonymes[modifier le wikicode]