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wife-beating question

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Composé de wife-beating (« action de battre sa femme ») et de question, en référence à l’exemple souvent cité : « Have you stopped beating your wife? » (« Avez-vous arrêté de battre votre femme ? »).

Locution nominale

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wife-beating question
\Prononciation ?\
wife-beating questions
\Prononciation ?\

wife-beating question \Prononciation ?\

  1. Question piège.
    • Mr. [Tony] Banks: When the Leader of the House sees his right hon. friend the Prime Minister, will he ask her to come to the Dispatch Box and condemn picket line violence by the police?
      Mr. [John] Biffen: That is the most obvious and plain wife-beating question that I have ever heard asked. — (British House of Commons debate, Hansard vol. 70, 20 décembre 1984)
    • Amis also recounts some aggressive questions allegedly put by him to me and to James Fenton in our (James’s and my) Trotskyist years, when all three of us were colleagues at the New Statesman. The questions are so plainly wife-beating questions, and the answers so clearly intended to pacify the aggressor by offering a mocking agreement [...]. — (Christopher Hitchens, "Martin Amis: Lightness at Midnight", The Atlantic, septembre 2002)
      La traduction en français de l’exemple manque. (Ajouter)


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