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Voir aussi : terry cloth
Composé de terry et de cloth (« linge, étoffe »).
Singulier Pluriel
ou \ˈtɛɹiˌklɔðz\

terrycloth \ˈtɛɹiˌklɔθ\

  1. (Textile) Tissu-éponge.
    • But the most encouraging sign of all was how she ate. Awkwardness and all, she unfolded her napkin and sat it in the lap of the terrycloth robe. She didn’t shovel the food in. Instead she consumed her first real breakfast in months in as dignified a manner as her condition and hunger allowed. Doris was turning back into a person. — (Tom Clancy, Without Remorse, 1993.)
      La traduction en français de l’exemple manque. (Ajouter)

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