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Du gaélique irlandais slaba.
Singulier Pluriel

slob \slɒb\

  1. (Familier) (Péjoratif) Lambin, flemmard.
  2. (Familier) (Péjoratif) Souillon ; personne malpropre.
  3. (Familier) (Péjoratif) Plouc, rustaud.
    • The trousers had creases inside the knees, as though the man had been sitting up all night. Had he merely been a slob? That didn’t seem likely. The shoes he’d left by the opening were quite shiny. Probably up all night, Kelly judged after a few seconds’ reflection. — (Tom Clancy, Without Remorse, 1993.)
      La traduction en français de l’exemple manque. (Ajouter)


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