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  1. Variante de skulduggery.
    And I have another reason which I will express to my St Paul friends, and that is, that they have always been controlled in their political action here by a class of men who have always some traps set for the country members—by men who are always up to this border ruffian kind of trickery—this kind of skullduggery, as it is called in Minnesota. And now St. Paul allows herself to be controlled by these same border ruffian politicians. — (Président de la Convention T. F. Andrews, rapporteur officiel, « Thirteenth Day », dans Debates and Proceedings of the Constitutional Convention for the Territory of Minnesota, to Form a State Constitution Preparatory to Its Admission into the Union as a State, Records of the States of the United States, Saint Paul, Minnesota, impr. George W. Moore, 27 juillet 1857,OCLC 32834085, page 126)