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[modifier le wikicode]sakharovaite \Prononciation ?\
- (Minéralogie) Sakharovaïte, minéral synonyme de jamesonite.
Sakharovaite was discovered at the Ustarasai bismuth deposit, northern outskirts of Brichmulla village, Pskem Range, NE Uzbekistan. It was first decribed in 1955 by M. S. Sakharova as "bismuth jamesonite". […] In 1959, I. [Ivan] Kostov identified it as an individual mineral species and proposed to name it sakharovaite [352].
Name: after Marina Sergeevna SAKHAROVA (b. 1917), mineralogist, specialist in gold and silver deposits, first described this mineral; Moscow University. TS: FM 72022 — (Igor V. Pekov, Minerals First Discovered on the Territory of the Former Soviet Union, Ocean Pictures, 1998, p. 177)