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Étymologie manquante ou incomplète. Si vous la connaissez, vous pouvez l’ajouter en cliquant ici. De public et du suffixe -ally.

publically \ˈpʌblɪkli\ invariable

  1. (Rare) Variante orthographique de publicly : publiquement.
    • B. The gathering of publically available information
      Section 211 (c) of S. 2525 provides that “[p]ublically available information concerning any United States person, or any foreign person within the United States, may be collected by any entity of the intelligence community when such information is relevant to an authorized function of that entity.”
      — (United States Congress Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, National Intelligence Reorganization and Reform Act of 1978: Hearings before the Select Committee on Intelligence of the United States Senate, Ninety-Fifth Congress, Second Session on S. 2525 (April 4 to August 3, 1978), U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington (DC), 1978, page 439)

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