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Du grec ancien πάλιν, pálin (« encore ») et de σπαστικός, spastikós (« dessin »).

palinspastic \pælɪnˈspæstɪk\ non comparable

  1. (Géologie) Palinspastique.
    • To improve the accuracy of spatial reconstruction through time, it is necessary to estimate and restore bulk strain by working backward in time so that the maps represent palinspastic reconstructions of geologic development. — (James L. Pindell, Kenneth D. Tabbutt, Mesozoic-Cenozoic Andean Paleogeography and Regional Controls on Hydrocarbon Systems, A. J. Tankard, Ramiro Suárez Soruco, Herman J. Welsink (éditeurs), Petroleum Basins of South America, Volume 62, page 102, 1995)
      La traduction en français de l’exemple manque. (Ajouter)


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