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Dérivé de load, avec le préfixe over-.
Temps Forme
Infinitif to overload
Présent simple,
3e pers. sing.
Prétérit overloaded
Participe passé overloaded
Participe présent overloading
voir conjugaison anglaise

overload \ˌəʊ.vəˈləʊd\

  1. Accabler.
  2. Surcharger.
    • ETSC welcomed a proposal from the European Commission last year to increase the coverage to include not just speeding and drink-driving, but also other dangerous behaviours such as wrong-way driving and overloading a vehicle. — (Opinion – Will Foreign Drivers Continue Getting Away with Breaking the Law? Ellen Townsend – Policy Director, 8 March 2024)
      La traduction en français de l’exemple manque. (Ajouter)
  3. (Programmation) Surcharger.


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