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Voir aussi : modèst
Du latin modestus.
Nature Forme
Positif modest
Comparatif more modest
Superlatif most modest

modest \mɒd.ɪst\

  1. Modeste.
    • The recursive algorithm for computing Fibonacci numbers is compact, but it is slow, even when working with fairly modest values. — (Ben Stephenson, The Python Workbook (2nde édition), Springer, 2019, page 129)
      La traduction en français de l’exemple manque. (Ajouter)
  2. Modique.
    • The City People's Committee of Murska Sobota purchased the building for a modest sum of money in mid-1949 — (Oto Luthar, The Land of Shadows: The memory of the expulsion and disappearance of the Jewish community in Prekmurje p. 50)
      Le City People's Committee of Murska Sobota acheta le bâtiment pour une somme modique en 1949


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Du latin modestus.

modest \muˈdɛst\, \moˈdɛst\

  1. Modeste.


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