Forme de verbe
[modifier le wikicode]metalling \Prononciation ?\
- Participe présent de metal.
Nom commun
[modifier le wikicode]Singulier | Pluriel |
metalling \Prononciation ?\ |
metallings \Prononciation ?\ |
metalling \Prononciation ?\
- Surface d'une route, particulièrement en gravier.
Some Roman roads have been discovered with multiple layers of pebble and gravel metalling, but these are likely to be the results of later repairs, rather than a construction feature from the outset.
— (Mary-Ann Ochota, Hidden Histories : A Spotter’s Guide to the British Landscape, Frances Lincoln, 2018, page 116)
- Processus de pause de la surface d'une route, notamment en gravier.