heel turn
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heel turn \Prononciation ?\ |
heel turns \Prononciation ?\ |
heel turn \ˈhil tɜɹn\
- (Catch) Ensemble d’actions par lesquelles un catcheur devient heel.
Reigns’ heel turn has been booked superbly
— (Joseph Staszewski, Roman Reigns’ brilliant heel turn could lure The Rock back for WWE farewell , 28 septembre 2020)
- (Textile) En tricot, étape de la confection de chaussettes consistant à mettre en forme le talon.
During the heel turn, the needles holding half of your socks’ stitches that hung out during knitting the heel flap will continue to hang out.
— (Heidi Gustad, Knit Along Day 3: The Heel Turn, 28 avril 2014)