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hatband \ˈhætbænd\ |
hatbands \ˈhætbændz\ |
hatband \ˈhætbænd\
- Ruban de chapeau (généralement ruban noir porté autrefois sur un chapeau en signe de deuil)
- Mr Swiveller walked into Sampson Brass's office at the usual hour placed his hat upon the desk, and taking from his pocket a small parcel of black crape, applied himself to folding and pinning the same upon it, after the manner of a hatband. (The Old Curiosity Shop - Charles Dickens)
- M. Swiveller se rendit, à l’heure accoutumée, à l’étude de Sampson Brass. Il posa son chapeau sur le pupitre ; puis, tirant de sa poche une étroite bande de crêpe noir, il se mit à l’appliquer autour de sa coiffure, et à l’y fixer avec des épingles, en signe de deuil.
- Mr Swiveller walked into Sampson Brass's office at the usual hour placed his hat upon the desk, and taking from his pocket a small parcel of black crape, applied himself to folding and pinning the same upon it, after the manner of a hatband. (The Old Curiosity Shop - Charles Dickens)