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Définition, traduction, prononciation, anagramme et synonyme sur le dictionnaire libre Wiktionnaire.
Dérivé de guess, avec le suffixe -able.
Nature Forme
Positif guessable
Comparatif more guessable
Superlatif most guessable

guessable \Prononciation ?\

  1. Devinable.
    • He complemented this deferred doom-mongering with the familiar blaming of “80 to 90%” of cyber-attacks on people who had easily guessable passwords, and the classic security service chief’s nebulous allusion to potential loss of life if they don’t get their way.  (David Mitchell, Dishonesty is the Second-Best Policy: And Other Rules to Live By, Guardian Faber Publishing, 2019, p. 75)
      La traduction en français de l’exemple manque. (Ajouter)