[modifier le wikicode]Nom commun
[modifier le wikicode]Singulier | Pluriel |
growth \ɡɹəʊθ\ ou \ɡɹoʊθ\ |
growths \ɡɹəʊθs\ ou \ɡɹoʊθs\ |
growth \ɡɹəʊθ\ (Royaume-Uni), \ɡɹoʊθ\ (États-Unis)
- Croissance.
Abenomics, as mentioned in the introduction to this chapter, was first presented by the Abe administration as consisting of the three 'arrows' of aggressive monetary policy, flexible fiscal policy and a growth strategy.
— (Brian K. MacLean, Hassan Bougrine, Louis-Philippe Rochon, Aggregate Demand and Employment: International Perspectives, 2020)
- (Sens figuré) Développement.
- (Sens figuré) Expansion.
- (Sens figuré) Accroissement.
- Pousse.