[modifier le wikicode]- (Ca 1950) Formé de eye, « œil », et de -ware, sur le modèle de mots comme cookware (matériel de cuisson).
Nom commun
[modifier le wikicode]Singulier | Pluriel |
eyeware \ˈaɪˌweə\ |
eyewares \ˈaɪˌweəz\ |
- Matériel, équipement pour les yeux.
Its knowledge that the sunglasses market has shifted from a functional market to a luxury market is shared amongst other eyeware companies, such as Safilo.
— (Brian David Smith et al., Creating Market Insight, 2008)Within the eyeware is a miniature video display and a sophisticated reflective optical system.
— (Analog Science Fiction/Science Fact, 1996)