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[modifier le wikicode]- Du nom de la ville anglaise Coventry avec le suffixe -ization, du fait du bombardement allemand de cette ville durant la Seconde Guerre mondiale.
Nom commun
[modifier le wikicode]conventrization \Prononciation ?\
- Coventrisation, bombardement aérien destiné à raser une ville. Note : Ce mot était utilisé par l’Allemagne, non pas par le Royaume-Uni.
For example, during World War II the relatively small English city of Coventry was bombed by approximately 500 German airplanes (the Nazis even invented a special term—“coventrization”).
— (U.S. Air Force, Selected Readings from Military Thought, 1963-1973, 1982)It seems to be the result of a macabre piece of accountancy: a specified number of tons of bombs, the calculated sacrifice of n hundreds of thousands of men and the ‘Coventrization’ of a given area of the earth’s surface have produced that outcome, and necessa rely so, for the simple reason the defenders did not have as many bombs, planes and men.
— (Claudia Baldoli, Andrew Knapp, Richard Overy, Bombing, States and Peoples in Western Europe 1940-1945, 2011, Continuum.)