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connected speech

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(XVIIIe siècle) → voir connected et speech.
Attesté dans le sens linguistique en 1767.

Locution nominale

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connected speech

  1. (Linguistique) Chaîne parlée.
    • I had Recourse to the Minerva of Sanctius, to Vossius, the Grammaire Raisonnée, Buffier’s Grammar, and several other very ingenions Performances on the Subject of rational Grammar; but was sorry to find that the Principles made use of in them, were not sufficient to account for many of the Effects which appear in connected Speech. — (William Ward, A grammar of the English language, 1767)
      La traduction en français de l’exemple manque. (Ajouter)
    • The syllables of words, as uttered in connected speech, receive in addition to the articulate sounds conveyed by their letters, two distinc properties or accidents, viz. time and tone, or in other words, quantity and accent. — (T.F.B., «Argument in favour of the Greek Accents», The Monthly Repository, n° 212, aout 1823)


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