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churchwarden \ˌtʃɜː(r)tʃˈwɔː(r)d(ə)n\ |
churchwardens \ˌtʃɜː(r)tʃˈwɔː(r)d(ə)nz\ |
churchwarden \ˌtʃɜː(r)tʃˈwɔː(r)d(ə)n\
- Marguillier (dans la Communion anglicane)
- If he could have known that he was an orphan, left to the tender mercies of church-wardens and overseers, perhaps he would have cried the louder. (Oliver Twist - Charles Dickens)
- S’il eût pu savoir qu’il était orphelin, abandonné à la tendre compassion des marguilliers et des inspecteurs, peut-être eût-il crié encore plus fort.
Each church usually has two churchwardens.
- Chaque église en général a deux marguilliers.
- If he could have known that he was an orphan, left to the tender mercies of church-wardens and overseers, perhaps he would have cried the louder. (Oliver Twist - Charles Dickens)
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[modifier le wikicode]- (Australie) : écouter « churchwarden [Prononciation ?] »