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butter wouldn’t melt in his mouth

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butter wouldn’t melt in his mouth \ˈbʌ.tə wʊd.n̩t mɛlt ɪn hɪz maʊθ\

  1. Il semble parfaitement innocent, on pourrait lui donner le bon Dieu sans confession. (littéralement : « Le beurre ne fondrait pas dans sa bouche. »)
    • Why I know – that though he looks as if butter wouldn’t melt in his mouth, cheese won’t choke him. — (Charlotte Smith, The Old Manor House)
      Je sais bien que, même si on lui donnerait le bon Dieu sans confession, on lui donnerait le bol d'hostie tout entier sans confession.
    • You’d think butter wouldn’t melt in your mouth said Heron. But I’m afraid you’re a sly dog. — (James Joyce, Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man)
      On te donnerait le bon Dieu sans confession dit Heron. Mais j'ai bien peur que tu ne sois une bête sournoise.
    • One of the first things the officers did, was to collar me - for the parties to the robbery weren’t to suppose yet, that I was anything but a Butcher - on which the landlord cries out, "Don’t take HIM," he says, "whatever you do! He’s only a poor young chap from the country, and butter wouldn’t melt in his mouth!" — (Charles Dickens, The Detective Police)