beta-delayed proton emissions
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beta-delayed proton emission \Prononciation ?\ |
beta-delayed proton emissions \Prononciation ?\ |
beta-delayed proton emissions \Prononciation ?\
- Pluriel de beta-delayed proton emission.
Known beta-delayed proton emissions from the nuclides 17
— (A fast in-beam recoil catcher wheel and the observation of beta-delayed two-proton emission from 31
Ne, 21
Mg, and 25
Si as well as the beta-delayed two-proton decay from 22
Al (t12 = 70 ms) were measured to test the wheel.
Ar sur beta-delayed proton emissions of the odd-Z, 𝑇𝑧=−(3/2) nuclei 27
— (Beta-delayed proton decays of 27
P and 31
Cl have been studied.
P and 31
Cl: Gamow-Teller decays with large Q values. sur