[modifier le wikicode]- Probablement dérivé de zing. Popularisé par le personnage de Sheldon Cooper dans la sitcom américaine The Big Bang Theory[1].
[modifier le wikicode]bazinga ! \Prononciation ?\
- Exclamation exprimant la réussite d'une blague.
- Exclamation marquant un résultat ou la réalisation soudaine de quelque chose.
Go back to the iPod app on your iOS device and click on the “More” tab. There you will see a new heading titled “Shared” which lets you choose between your iOS library or any Shared Libraries you have enabled on your WiFi network. Bazinga!
— (Mike Keller, « How To Enable iTunes Home Sharing in iOS 4.3 », dans PCWorld, 8 mars 2011, ISSN 0737-8939, consulté le 22 juin 2012)I have never gotten anything less than an A- when poster board is involved. So — bazinga! I'd make a poster of the life and times of Markie's family. Guaranteed to melt his parents' hearts.
— (Gary Paulsen, Crush: The Theory, Practice and Destructive Properties of Love, Wendy Lamb Books, 2012, page 118)
- Exclamation marquant un mot d’esprit.
So, Marc, as you can see, we don't use the word "pot" very often in stories. But you also see that it is used frequently in headlines. The reason is simple and has nothing to do with a lack of respect for medical marijuana users. When it comes to headlines, size matters, and the word "pot" fits in a lot more places than "marijuana." It's really that simple.
— (« Have you ever tried to fit 'mari-juana' in 1 column? », Mail Tribune, 1er septembre 2012, ISSN 2163-6699, consulté le 27 septembre 2012)
It would be easy to figure that headline writers just aren't what they used to be, that they've gone to pot, so to speak (bazinga!).
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bazingas \Prononciation ?\ |
bazinga \Prononciation ?\
[modifier le wikicode]- Sud de l'Angleterre (Royaume-Uni) : écouter « bazinga [Prononciation ?] »
[modifier le wikicode]- ↑ What is the secret origin of bazinga? sur Huffington Post