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Wiktionnaire:Questions techniques/octobre 2024

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Dernier commentaire : il y a 4 mois par Danny Benjafield (WMDE) dans le sujet 'Wikidata item' link is moving, finally.

Page mensuelle des questions techniques posées en octobre 2024. Page précédente : septembre 2024Page suivante : novembre 2024Modifier ce cadre

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Hello everyone, I previously wrote on the 27th September to advise that the Wikidata item sitelink will change places in the sidebar menu, moving from the General section into the In Other Projects section. The scheduled rollout date of 04.10.2024 was delayed due to a necessary request for Mobile/MinervaNeue skin. I am happy to inform that the global rollout can now proceed and will occur later today, 22.10.2024 at 15:00 UTC-2. Please let us know if you notice any problems or bugs after this change. There should be no need for null-edits or purging cache for the changes to occur. Kind regards, -Danny Benjafield (WMDE) 22 octobre 2024 à 11:29 (UTC)Répondre