- Nom du propriétaire : Robert Ullmann en:User:Robert Ullmann
- But du bot : add reciprocal iwiki links when adding to en.wikt
- Script utilisé : Python, wp framework, MW API
- Déjà présent sur, avec statut de bot : en, no, sv
- Déjà présent sur, sans statut de bot : several others, in test only
- Remarques : Bot is written to use the Mediawiki API, which is much more effective than the wikipedia pybot framework; it does use the framework module for language links, to stay up with changes in wikt policies (that are included there, some are not!).
- It's primary function is to keep all the en.wikt links up to date, here it will be adding reciprocal links to the en.wikt when a link is added there; it is generally a good idea to keep these symmetrical.
- There are two functions: one builds an index of all of the wikts (without reading any pages, it uses the MW API to read the indexes), and then checks every en.wikt entry to correct the iwikis (again, without reading any pages except the ones being changed). While doing this, if it adds a link to another wikt, it will add the corresponding link there (here). The other function follows "recent changes" on all of the wikts, and adds needed links to the en.wikt, and likewise the corresponding link. While en.wikt policy is to link to redirects, in no case does Interwicket add links from another wikt to a redirect in the en.wikt.
- Date et heure : 27 janvier 2009 à 10:58 (UTC)
Le vote est ouvert à tous ceux qui ont au moins 100 modifications sur la Wikipédia francophone au moment du début du vote. Il est rappelé aux votants que le seul avantage du statut de bot est de ne pas apparaître dans la page Modifications récentes. Si le rapport Pour/Contre est supérieur (ou égal) à 75%, la requête est acceptée, le bot flag est demandé aux administrateurs. Le vote dure 7 jours.
- Lmaltier 27 janvier 2009 à 12:21 (UTC) L'idéal serait même qu'un robot équivalent à celui de en.wiktionary tourne ici aussi. Ce qui est demandé est plus limité, mais c'est déjà très utile. Lmaltier 27 janvier 2009 à 12:21 (UTC)
- Pour aussi. Stéphane8888 discuter 4 février 2009 à 22:00 (UTC)
- Pour Koxinga 4 février 2009 à 22:30 (UTC)
- Pour, en tenant compte des opinions ci-dessus. Mglovesfun 4 février 2009 à 22:34 (UTC)
- Pour, devrait être efficace. - Dakdada (discuter) 7 février 2009 à 12:54 (UTC)
- Pour, On dirait que le bot fonctionne très bien en :en. --Agricoleur 8 février 2009 à 06:33 (UTC)
- Obviously, a bot that could look at as many languages as possible at one time would be good, like adding link between the Spanish and French Wiktionaries, or Japanese and French, etc. I suppose it can only do one link at a time, can it? I mean can it add a fr link to the English Wiktionary but also to other languages, like the ones I've mentioned above? Mglovesfun 4 février 2009 à 22:38 (UTC)
- It updates all the iwikis on all the entries that it knows about, and knows are missing (or invalid, to be removed); if it has a flag; and it it "knows" of the entries. When it is updating its local union index of all titles on all wikts, or using that index, it will update all the entries with the title (again, if it has the bot flag on the wikts). It can be run with another wikt as its start point, to update titles that don't occur in the en.wikt; it is running on sw.wikt at this moment doing that. In that case it uses the
files from the dumps, to avoid any extra page reads beyond the pages that need to be changed. Robert Ullmann 7 février 2009 à 12:20 (UTC) - For an example, entry de:dealer was created this morning; Interwicket added +de to en:dealer, and also +de to dealer ici. It added a complete set (+el, en, es, et, fi, fr, hu, io, nl, ru, ta, te, vi, zh) to de:dealer, and +de to all of those (with bot flag or within test limits). Robert Ullmann 7 février 2009 à 12:37 (UTC)
- Which is exactly what I was talking about, so good! Mglovesfun 7 février 2009 à 16:35 (UTC)
- It updates all the iwikis on all the entries that it knows about, and knows are missing (or invalid, to be removed); if it has a flag; and it it "knows" of the entries. When it is updating its local union index of all titles on all wikts, or using that index, it will update all the entries with the title (again, if it has the bot flag on the wikts). It can be run with another wikt as its start point, to update titles that don't occur in the en.wikt; it is running on sw.wikt at this moment doing that. In that case it uses the
12 jours de vote, 6 Pour et 0 contre : Je donne donc le statut de bot à Utilisateur:Interwicket. Merci à tous les participants et bon travail à ce robot. Stéphane8888 discuter 8 février 2009 à 09:41 (UTC)