Actualités du Wiktionnaire

Wiktionnaire:Actualités is a monthly periodical about Wiktionnaire (French Wiktionary), dictionaries, words and languages. It is published online since April 2015. Everyone is welcome to contribute to it. You can sign in to be noticed of future issues, read old issues and participate to the draft of the next edition. You can also have a look at Regards sur l’actualité de la Wikimedia. If you have any comments, critics or suggestions, there is a zone a the bottom of each issue and our talk page is open!
Figures in ink and paper offered by the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York (click on the illustration to see it in full).
Briefs from here
- On March 22, the French-speaking Wiktionnaire celebrated its 20th anniversary, and the festivities gave rise to a profusion of new products! Especially since a rassemblement d’anniversaire took place on March 23-24 in Paris, involving around twenty people.
- New editorial incentive on the home page, proposed by Noé, the Thesaurus of the week!
- From this subject resulted two new projects, on editorial incentives and on the valorisation of the contents of the Wiktionnaire. The project list has been updated by archiving inactive discussions.
- Mickaël Schauli becomes Wikimedian in residence in Strasbourg, for one year. Barely arrived, he initiated a project dedicated to Alsacian.
- A new help page dedicated to Actualités! Advice and ideas for participating in the writing of Actualités du Wiktionnaire!
- Noé proposes the creation of a new namespace for convention pages. He also created the page Convention:Liens by expanding a page that only talked about external links, and updated the page Aide:Liens.
- Four new gadgets have been implemented, for people contributing with a personal account. JackPotte has activated a gadget to add links to external references for entries in English currently and with a view to developing it for more languages. Darmo117 has activated two gadgets for the patrol, RTRC to reread recent modifications more quickly and DiffEdit to modify a page from the display of the differential between two versions of the page. Lepticed7 has improved a gadget allowing you to more easily modify the content of the model {{voir}} which is displayed at the top of the pages to link pages whose titles are variations of characters or accents. This model has also been modified to display a pale yellow insert instead of the previously bright green. In the process, the translation addition model has changed colors a little.
- Cosmetic changes again, for the homepage as well as for the Community Home page. Modified links to more current and more useful pages to discover interesting content on the home page and useful for the contribution on community reception.
- Blocktomo has noted a surprising problem in the advanced search which was quickly resolved by JackPotte.
- During the meeting of March 23-24, Lyokoï led a discussion on the future, Pamputt made a report of the progress of the Lexeme project, Noé spoke about the help pages, Poslovitch presented a prototype of a future tool for consulting old dictionaries contained in Wikisource, Otourly led a presentation of technical tools and there was cake too.
- Another consequence of the meeting, Noé did cleaning in obsolete models then proposed a new style of monthly themes dedicated to thematic lists.
- Lepticed7 initiates a reflection on the description of pronominal verbs in French then Sayoxime offers a discussion on missing conjugation forms.
- VIGNERON, looking at the spelling of Breton comes to talk about the management of spelling systems in general.
- Lepticed7 also initiates a discussion on the general organisation of categories.
Briefs from elsewhere
- Raphaëlle Laverdière reports for ICI Manitoba William McMillan's research on Canadian French-speaking dialects.
- In Saudi Arabia, an important institution, the World Academy of the Arabic Language of King Salman, has launched a new platform dedicated to language dictionaries in Arabic.
- Alice Develey invited Bernard Cerquiglini to talk about his new work on the proximities between English and French. Rob Watts also echoes this on his English channel RobWords, confirming the analysis.
- The Dictionary Day on March 20 is back this year! Jean Pruvost is assisted by Olivier Bertrand, Patrick Haillet and Christophe Rey to propose a general public conference in which several specialists and enthusiasts were able to discuss dictionaries. Christophe Rey presents the diversity of current production by mentioning to Figaro the existence of Wiktionnaire!
- Sylvie Gibet takes stock for The Conversation France on the possibilities offered by generative artificial intelligence for the teaching of signed languages.
- Franck Ballanger and Thomas Sellin propose for Franceinfo:culture a report on nouchi.
- Linguist Swintha Danielsen has written a public critical assessment in English of twenty years of work documenting endangered languages, presenting the situation in the country in which she lives, the Bolivia, and the difficulties of dealing with the community.
- Amanda Montell proposes in the English newspaper Esquire the concept of doomslang”, the slang for the end of the world. A way to talk in a relaxed way about disasters and the world that is going badly. A linguistic catastrophism that is not devoid of creativity!
To watch or listen
Some audio or video programmes on lexicography, linguistics and the French language released or discovered this month.
- France Culture devoted a 30-minute broadcast to history of sign language and the role of Charles-Michel de l'Épée in it.
- Agathe Tupula Kabola is invited on the Radio Canada show Moteur de recherche to talk about language tics or verbal pause, and the phatic function of language.
- Monté, from the channel Linguisticae, gives his opinion and analyses the language of the Fremen in Dune.
- Athéna Sol offers a video on words that come out of dictionaries.
- Rob Watts offers on his channel RobWords a video in English on the etymology of the names of the 50 states of the United States of America.
- Erica Brozovsky explains this month in her English-speaking show Autre mots the evolution of the accent in the South of the United States of America.
- Julie Maksimova presents in English on her channel JuLingo different languages of the world and this month, the Hungarian
- The TikTok account Human1011 presents in English the Tshevhu language, a creation including koi fish and water swirls whose shapes and directions form sounds and grammar!
- On TikTok, Tymocurieux presents the etymology of the French word “primtemps” and its link with the Primula 🌼.
- On TikTok, talks about the verbes « progresser » and « régresser » verbed, and the absence of the verb « gresser ».
Coloured paper provided by the British Library.
- From February 20 to March 20 2024
+ 168,920 entries and 128 languages whose number of entries has been modified, to achieve 5,421,342 entries and 1,418 languages with at least five entries.
+ 2,540 entries in French to reach 427,227 lemmas and 672,764 definitions.
The five languages which have advanced the most, besides French, are Italian (+155,546 entries), Ukrainian ( +3,753 entries), solresol (+1,521 entries), Occitan (+ 2,099 entries), and German (+954 entries).
No new languages added this month.
639,872 quotes or examples in French and 290,927 for quotes in foreign languages. Following a bug fix, the progression in the number of citations since last month is not relevant this month.
+ 6,221 illustration media (images and videos) in the main pages of Wiktionnaire, to reach 86,080.
- From February 29 to March 31, 2024
+ 3,049 language sections containing at least one audio pronunciation (including 453 for French) to reach 605,641 language sections containing at least one audio pronunciation for 167 languages (including 198,922 for French).
+ 10 new thesauri this month, the total is 1,204 thesauri in 76 languages including 876 thesauri in French. The new thesauri are cacher, search, find, attempt, incitation, byNoé ; insults in Sicilian by Àncilu ; before and cooperation thanks to collective work during the weekend in Paris. This is the first thesaurus in Sicilian!
+ 3 semantic domains and thematic lists in French this month. The lexicon of fascism makes Wiktionary tremble while the apocopes of localities and the apocopes of first names are registered in the Wiktionnaire.
Wikiscan and Wikistats each month provide access to many measures, including the list of most viewed pages and pages modified by the most people.
+ 32 words created on the 35 proposed in Mots du jour ! Thanks to Bercours (d · c · b), Bpierreb, DarkVador79-UA, Harmonide, Sayoxime, ThePreciser and a non-registred user !
Collaboration of the month
The proposal below from Harmonide was a great success since all the entries in Italian and around a hundred in Romanian were completed during the month of March!
Is Wiktionnaire obsolete?
The Wiktionnaire celebrated its twentieth anniversary on March 22, which is not yet construction time for the dictionary of the Académie Française, but already represents a significant period of time! The information provided during the first years may no longer be current, and what was described as a novelty may have since become established in use. The ways of contributing to Wiktionnaire have evolved with first only creation when everything had to be done, then, in addition, the improvement and correction of the first information. A qualitative as well as quantitative evolution.
This historical depth is first and foremost that of the project – which has become a work over time, hence the italics to name it in the “Actualités” – but it is also the normal evolution of the language, always in advance on the dictionary.
Before Wiktionnaire, the dictionary tradition established a few terms to describe this axis of variation of the language. These agreed marks appear at the beginning of the definitions, thanks to models with names identical to what is displayed:
- (Archaïsme): the referent has disappeared, the word designates an object or concept which is no longer used. In dictionaries you can find the following abbreviations: arch. ; anc. ; autref.
- (Désuet): the word has gone out of use, what it designates perhaps still exists, under another name. Some dictionaries also say “ancien”.
- (Vieilli): the word is almost no longer in use, it is perceived as old and stigmatised by young people. It is sometimes elsewhere like “vieux” or “vx”.
- (Néologisme): the word or meaning is new, it is perceived as not yet part of current language. The abbreviation in dictionaries is often “néol.” »
The distinctions between the first three are not always well perceived by the contributorship, nor clear to the readership. The diversity of notations in reference works does not help, and it is often difficult to determine whether a word is today perceived as "vieilli" or "désuet", whether it is the meaning which is no longer in use or the reality it designated which is no longer. These indications are rarely based on external sources but rather on sensitive and subjective analyses, like dia-integrative marks, which were presented in the Actualités of September 2021. It is not uncommon to encounter disagreements, especially when the expiration has expired within an area of use but the term is very much alive elsewhere within the French-speaking world! Written notes may then be necessary.
The indication of neologism is the most delicate in a publication in perpetual change, because the terms may no longer be perceived in this way after a very short time, while obsolete words or meanings more rarely return to use. current unmarked. Indicating a date of appearance, even vague, is therefore preferable.
And the Wiktionary itself, if it's no longer a newcomer, with its twenty years, is it rather in the prime of it's life or already aging? At a time when information is no longer sought in works or by a request to a search engine but through "chatbots" fed from all over the Internet, has "Wiktionnaire" still enough intelligence to offer so as not to find yourself overwhelmed? Will its content be consulted through other interfaces which will have digested it but decontextualised and dehumanised?
Today, the readership is on the rise, and the contributors are not stopping, the Wiktionnaire is alive and well, flying over other French dictionaries and making a place for itself as a resource dedicated to languages for a wide diversity of people. It is not yet old, but rather in an exciting, multifaceted and collective development. So, long live!Paper decorated with inks, gift from the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York.
Dictionnaire du mois
- Hervé Laroche, Dictionnaire des clichés littéraires, Arléa, 2022, 275 pages.
In the category of compositions in French, we find the non-commanded rearing, and it’s amazing. On the other hand, when it comes to photos, we only find the radar photo, the raster photo and the glass photo, whose hyphen we will appreciate. But no literary cliché. I tried to give a definition based on that of cliché and literary: common place, hackneyed expression which belongs to letters, to literature. The problem is that the end of this definition paraphrases the word “literary”. The third meaning of this is more enlightening, but it would give: common place, hackneyed expression whose qualities of composition and style characterise its belonging to literature! I laughed, then gave up. I believe I am incapable of defining the notion of literary cliché. I talked about it to those around me, without ever meeting anyone who was capable of it, although everyone assured me that they had a very precise idea of it and used it regularly.
A stopgap would be an accumulation of examples, which would replace the missing definition. It exists ! It is Hervé Laroche's Dictionnaire des clichés littéraires, but it is not a stopgap measure: its very existence makes any attempt at a definition useless! It brings together hundreds of photos, and it is one of the dictionaries that makes reading the most exhilarating. I advise the readership of “Actualités” to obtain it to “penetrate this world where we “savour” instead of eating, where we “quench our thirst” instead of drinking, where we laugh out loud rather than bursting out laughing, where we mumble, where we clark. »
I delighted in the author's talent in flushing out clichés, in bringing to light these phrases that I read daily without even seeing clichés. Not content with listing the clichés, the author also knows how to combine them to reinforce them, and it’s devastating. So, randomly, the article “embers”:
embers: always burning. Otherwise, don't hesitate to 'stir up' them. How ? By “blowing” on it, of course. Was he trying to stir up her jealousy, blowing on the embers of a poorly extinguished passion?
Amazed by the clichés thus brought together, I long regretted that the author did not accompany them with examples: I would have delighted to learn that such a writer renowned for his crazy modernity used clichés worthy of a station novel . But on reflection, I believe that it is preferable that the author left the sources aside: this allows the reader to appreciate the cliché as such, to better understand it, to let it resonate - whereas he most often goes unnoticed: who hasn't read a sentence like "She couldn't suppress a smile when she felt him struggling to unhook her bra" without even stopping to think about it?
In addition to an enlightening introduction, the dictionary begins with three exercises of gradual difficulty: the first proposes replacing, in 30 carefully selected sentences, italicised words with clichés. The exercise, quite easy, is enjoyable. The second invites you to identify clichés in a text. The answers provided allowed me to see that I had barely spotted half of them! I'll let Actualités readers discover the third, which is just as pleasant as the previous ones.
I don't know if I should recommend this work to someone who, after so much effort, has just put a final point on a text: any literary text read in the light of the dictionary of clichés is subject to harsh test — it’s a bit like the “stress test” used in industry or finance! On the other hand, it is a very useful tool for getting revenge on those writers that you don't like but that, for one reason or another, you were forced to read!
The thesauri of the week on March
These new weekly suggestions, displayed on the home page, were proposed by Noé. Thank you for their contributions to the people who participated in these thesauri: Harmonide, JackPotte, Lepticed7, Lyokoï, Noé, Otourly, Poslovitch and Valfury 1!
Semaines suivantes
The collaborations of the week of March
These suggestions, displayed on the home page, were proposed by Noé and Hildepont. Thanks for their contributions to the people who created new entries: Bercours, Bpierreb, DarkVador79-UA, Diligent , Lyokoi, Noé, Sayoxime, Valfury 1! For the first time, all 35 entries were created this month!
Semaine 09 (26 février au 3 mars 2024)

Connaissez-vous la tendance à la black food ? Plusieurs aliments de cette couleur : carvi noir, citron noir, curry noir, navet noir, radis noir, riz noir, sel noir.
Semaine 10 (4 au 10 mars 2024)

Cette semaine nous encombrons la rue avec du mobilier urbain ǃ Beaucoup d’entrées manquent à l’appel : bac à fleurs, distributeur de journaux, borne anti-stationnement, panneau électoral, table de pique-nique, etc.
Semaine 11 (11 au 17 mars 2024)

Parfois, rédiger une définition s’apparente à une course d’orientation. En connaissez-vous les différentes spécialités ? La course d’orientation à VTT, la radiogoniométrie sportive ou chasse au renard, la rand’orientation, la rogaine, le ski d’orientation.
Semaine 12 (18 au 24 mars 2024)

Que manger cette semaine pour fêter les vingt ans du Wiktionnaire ? Toujours à la recherche de mots nouveaux, ce sera peut-être un gâteau mollet, un gâteau patate, un kladdkaka, un lamington, un quénieu ou une tarte Sacher ?
Semaine 13 (25 au 31 mars 2024)

Cette semaine, du bouleau ! Après pyrolyse, l’écorce devient du brai de bouleau aussi appelé goudron de bouleau ou poix de bouleau, pouvant servir d’adhésif ! Avec la sève on peut fabriquer du sirop de bouleau. Au Canada, l’écorce de bouleau est appelée mâchecoui !
Semaines suivantes
Gold veined paper photographed by ياسمين اليعقوبي.
Readership's mail
- dater les néologismes ?
- Pour éviter la péremption des infos comme néologisme il peut être pertinent d'indiquer à la place une date d'introduction ou de début d'utilisation dans la langue (pareil pour désuet, c'est désuet depuis quand, ou plutôt quand est-ce que c'est utilisé ? C'est conseillé sur WP pour éviter l'obsolescence des articles de préférer les dates en dur, et ce serait similaire avec les qualificatifs "date de début" / "date de fin" (et d'autre) sur Wikidata pour gérer la variation des infos dans le temps. On voit parfois des siècles ou d'autres infos dans les dictionnaires pour les termes anciens. TomT0m (discussion) 1 avril 2024 à 15:24 (UTC)
- Oui, c’est ce que je préconise : Indiquer une date d’apparition, même vague, est ainsi préférable. Pour la désuétude, c’est encore plus difficile, car on se rend souvent compte du phénomène longtemps après sans pouvoir vraiment dire à partir de quand c’est devenu ringard ou daté. Dans la section d’étymologie, on indique en effet régulièrement un siècle ou une décennie 🙂 Noé 1 avril 2024 à 20:48 (UTC)
- J'ai été intrigué par la chronique de Noé sur les marques (néologisme, vieilli...) Avant, « désuet » et « vieilli » signifiaient la même chose pour moi. Je me trompais. Cantons-de-l'Est (discussion) 12 avril 2024 à 18:35 (UTC)
- J'ai souri en lisant la chronique sur le Dictionnaire des clichés littéraires. Merci Trace.
Cantons-de-l'Est (discussion) 12 avril 2024 à 18:38 (UTC)
Anciens numéros
- 2015 : avril, mai, juin, juillet, août, septembre, octobre, novembre, décembre
- 2016 : janvier, février, mars, avril, mai, juin, juillet, août, septembre, octobre, novembre, décembre
- 2017 : janvier, février, mars, avril, mai, juin, juillet, août, septembre, octobre, novembre, décembre
- 2018 : janvier, février, mars, avril, mai, juin, juillet, août, septembre, octobre, novembre, décembre
- 2019 : janvier, février, mars, avril, mai, juin, juillet, août, septembre, octobre, novembre, décembre
- 2020 : janvier, février, mars, avril, mai, juin, juillet, août, septembre, octobre, novembre, décembre
- 2021 : janvier, février, mars, avril, mai, juin, juillet, août, septembre, octobre, novembre, décembre
- 2022 : janvier, février, mars, avril, mai, juin, juillet, août, septembre, octobre, novembre, décembre
- 2023 : janvier, février, mars, avril, mai, juin, juillet, août, septembre, octobre, novembre, décembre
- 2024 : janvier, février, mars, avril, mai, juin, juillet, août, septembre, octobre, novembre, décembre
- 2025 : janvier, février, brouillon du prochain numéro