
Wiktionnaire:Actualités is a monthly periodical about Wiktionnaire (French Wiktionary), dictionaries, words and languages. It is published online since April 2015. Everyone is welcome to contribute to it. You can sign in to be noticed of future issues, read old issues and participate to the draft of the next edition. You can also have a look at Regards sur l’actualité de la Wikimedia. If you have any comments, critics or suggestions, there is a zone a the bottom of each issue and our talk page is open!
An osprey brings its contribution to this month's Acutalités.
- The new words of the French dictionary Petit Robert 2018, published in June 2017, were announced by press, in Le Parisien amongst others. The definition of frotteur does contreversy. It minimizes the word by forgetting the absence of consent that characterizes a sexual assault. The Petit Robert has announced that they will work on this definition for next year's edition.
- Barbara Cassin is the 9th woman to enter the French Academy. In an interview for the French newspaper Le Monde, she says that she finds inclusive writing comes from a good will, but she finds it illegible and unsightly.
- The semantic atlas of CNRS moves to a new website hosted in Lyon and called Les Atlas sémantiques.
- In the issue « Le français a-t-il perdu sa langue » (Did French loose its language), edited by Le Un, Éric Fottorino concludes with a history of dictionaries in 13 short sentences. He ends with « In 2004, Wikipedia launches the French Wiktionary, online and continuously updated. » Could the Wiktionary be the fulfillment of the current mainstream dictionaries?
- Remember, in our October 2017 Actualités we mentionned a decision of the Swiss Supreme Court that considers the Wiktionary project as not an official member of the French language, its definitions can't be used as evidences at the Court if the proponents are not consulted. Well, there is some news about this case this month because the cantonal court confirms its decision by taking into account what the federal court said. Indeed, this court considers that the definition of the word muzz on the Wiktionary is a sufficient evidence to convict someone for insult.
- With great surprise, Lyokoï saw the French Wiktionary Twitter account blocked by adding the project's birthday. The case shook the wiki environment a little, and the French association as well as the Wikimedia Foundation quickly showed their support for the unblocking process. The situation was solved thanks to the intervention of the person who first created the account. The story ends well but it was relayed up to the French newspaper le Figaro!
The Wikasegzawal starts gestation

The Wikasegzawal or Shawiya Wiktionary is a project in one of the variant of the Berber languages spoken in Algeria. It was launched in the incubator on May 15th 2018 and in two weeks it already has 800 words. The project first started in the French Wiktionary with 4 contributors who entered more than 900 words in Shawiya and then transfered then in their new workspace. The project was conceived after the Tamazight user group asked the Wikimedia Foundation to become an official group, with the technical help of the Tremendous Wiktionary User Group.
Reda Kerbouche, one of the contributor of the project, wants to create video lessons to teach and ease contribution to new contributors who would like to develop the Wikasegzawal. If you know this language, don't hesitate to help them !
Lexemes on Wikidata
The lexicographical data entered Wikidate on May 23rd 2018.
The goal of this data on Wikidata is to offer a structured, machine-readable and multilingual way to describe words and expressions. All of it stored at one place and reusable under the licence CC0. In a close future, this data could be reused by wiktionaries and other projects, if the community decides so.
In a few days, more than 1000 lexemes were created and some enthusiastic ones are still creating some. As already told, this data is supposed to be machine-readable more than human-readable; you can see that by looking at a lexeme in French. For nom, no information about the meaning of the words is indicated but only their belonging to a language.
The French and English Wiktionary communities have mixed feelings regarding this new project, with criticism about the licence and the eventual loss of Wiktionary contributors. On the other side, when lexemes are developed enough on Wikidata, the Wiktionary could reuse some data to automatically generate lists of rhymes or flexion arrays. Meanwhile, the discussions that take place in English remind us of many discussions that have been happenning on the wiktionaries for 14 years.
European bee-eater nibbling while reading the Actualités.
- From April 20th to May 20th 2018
- French got 2,152 more entries and 2,105 quotes or examples. It now has 363,219 lemmas, 537,319 definitions and 347,999 illustrative quotes or examples.
- The three other languages that have developed the most are Nothern Sami (+ 3,834 entries), Esperanto (+ 3,045 entries) and Gallo (+ 783 entries).
- 53 new languages in the Wiktionary this month : Bohurá (+10), Harari (+2), Nubri (+1), Boruca (+1), Kyirong (+1), Mesqan (+1), Central Masela (+1), Me’en (+1), Kibala (+1), Carolinian (+1), Inor (+1), Imroing (+1), Pááfang (+1), Champenese (+1), Burunge (+1), Highlands Chontal (+1), Northern Babar (+1), Cuzco Quechua (+1), Baibai (+1), Roma (+1), Sarthese (+1), Gyalsumdo (+1), Sebat bet gurage (+1), Kinikinao (+1), Serua (+1), Silt’e (+1), Serili (+1), Ghomari (+1), Gafat (+1), Garre (+1), Tanapag (+1), Fas (+1), Gaa (+1), Firan (+1), Te’un (+1), Tela-masbuar (+1), South-Eastern Babar (+1), Old britton (+1), Eastern Masela (+1), Emplawas (+1), Dahalo (+1), Qimant (+1), Bunganditj (+1), Yoloxochitl Mixtec (+1), Eastern Damar (+1), Dahalik (+1), Dakpakha (+1), Cypriot arabic (+1), Dai (+1), Bondum dom (+1), Dawera-daweloor (+1), Nila (+1), Zay (+1).
- There are 13,404 new entries in 131 languages modified!
- Words of the month
The pages of external stats tell us:
- Other evolutions
- There are 37,231 illustrative medias (pictures and videos) in the French Wiktionary, 366 more than last month. ( [[media: + [[file: + [[fichier: + [[image: whatever the case)
- On May 31st 2018, the French Wiktionary gathers 330 thesauri in French and in total 493 thesauri in 55 languages !
Two new thesauri this month: grève (by Delarouvraie and Noé) and saucisson (by Romainbehar).
- On May 31st, the French Wiktionary counts 89,860 audio pronunciations in 100 languages (132 more than last month) among which 19,871 in French.
- In May, there were 65 questions in Questions about words (WT:QM), when there were 49 in April and 46 in March.
- New categories
How many kinds of slang do you know ? This category already gathers 18 since its creation this month.

LexiSession about strike
Boosted by the Tremendous Wiktionary User Group, the LexiSessions aim at offering monthly themes to dynamize all of the Wiktionaries at a time. The themes are suggested on Meta and announced on the Wikidémie, the main talk area of the French Wiktionary.
The LexiSession of May was about strike and gave birth to the thesaurus about strike.
For June, the suggested theme is skin !
Grebes hurrying up in order to be in the Actualités issue before it is published.
Dictionary of the month
Richard Goulet (direction), Dictionnaire des philosophes antiques, CNRS, 1989-2018, 7 volumes and one extra
The French Academy dictionary is not the only one whose redaction lasts forever. This month's dictionary inventories all of the known Greek and Roman philosophers as well as important witnesses of the philosophical tradition, and its first volume was published in 1989. Amongst others, you can find the first woman philosopher Théano. The preliminary work started in 1981 and the last volume, from Ulpian to Zoticus, was published in February 2018: of course, it also contains the oversights from the previous volumes. The 2491 notices use all of the available sources, including papyrus and writings. 236 writers from 20 countries were needed to fulfill this work in almost 40 years, meaning in about the same interval as between two editions of the French Academy dictionary. This unique work – there is no equivalent in any other language – is Richard Goulet's, who did the rereading and the layout by himself. Fun fact : the fifth volume is shared into two. — by Romainbehar
This rubric offers a review of videos about lexicography, linguistics and French language published or discovered this month.
- There is a new Youtube channel with linguistics videos, Geoffrey Prof 3.0, that amongst others did a video to explain enunciation and specify the different fields that study this level of language, and another video about the notions of semiotic and semiology.
- Linguisticae talked with Russian-speaking people across Europe, and the comments bring important extras and corrections to the information presented. He also made a short viedo with an ambiguous title about Oubykh, a Caucasian extinct language.
- Lyokoï keeps on doing live contibution on his YouTube channel. On May 10th he presented the Wiktionary patrol. Other live contributions are planned and will be announced on the Wikidémie.
Anciens numéros
- 2015 : avril, mai, juin, juillet, août, septembre, octobre, novembre, décembre
- 2016 : janvier, février, mars, avril, mai, juin, juillet, août, septembre, octobre, novembre, décembre
- 2017 : janvier, février, mars, avril, mai, juin, juillet, août, septembre, octobre, novembre, décembre
- 2018 : janvier, février, mars, avril, mai, juin, juillet, août, septembre, octobre, novembre, décembre
- 2019 : janvier, février, mars, avril, mai, juin, juillet, août, septembre, octobre, novembre, décembre
- 2020 : janvier, février, mars, avril, mai, juin, juillet, août, septembre, octobre, novembre, décembre
- 2021 : janvier, février, mars, avril, mai, juin, juillet, août, septembre, octobre, novembre, décembre
- 2022 : janvier, février, mars, avril, mai, juin, juillet, août, septembre, octobre, novembre, décembre
- 2023 : janvier, février, mars, avril, mai, juin, juillet, août, septembre, octobre, novembre, décembre
- 2024 : janvier, février, mars, avril, mai, juin, juillet, août, septembre, octobre, novembre, décembre
- 2025 : janvier, février, brouillon du prochain numéro