Anyone can do a mistake that is depend of why it happens and what will u do to make it up. Its really not easy to admit that u have made a mistake, personnaly somone who admits it, even if he knew the consequences of it, is a brave men/women. As brave as the one who decides to forgive, I mean really forgive. I dont know if for any reason one day u have betrayed someone, and do u remember how tough it was to tell it to that person or face him/her. I already have to deal with a similar situation and it was not an easy one. what really I want to talk about, it is not the fact that u have betrayed someone u care for and damn!its bad. But specially the fact that when u say that u forgive someone u have to mean it. I know it not always easy to forgive that`s why u must take ur time before u say it to ur friends, boyfriends or female friends. At the point u say u forgive, u have to stop arguing about it. Some would say u can gorgive without forget I know that but in my word. I will define forgive like TRY TO FORGET so if u in that situation to forgive someone and u choose to, do it with ur heart, with ur mind or try to. Cause u can`t forgive and arguing about it everyday, u can`t forgive and make that person feel guilty every secondes, u can`t forgive if u not trying to forget.