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Location Nairobi
CountryFlag of Kenya Kenya
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en-4 This user has near native speaker knowledge of English.
sw-4 Mtumiaji huyu ni mwongeaji wa Kiswahili cha kiwango cha Juu Kabisa.
es-2 Este usuario tiene un conocimiento intermedio del español.
ar-1 هذا المستخدم لديه معرفة أساسية بالعربية.
simple-N This user has a native understanding of Simple English.
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Cet utilisateur est un membre de l'équipe de surveillance des petits wikis.
Cet utilisateur est administrateur du Wiktionnaire {{{2}}} (vérifier).
A loop consists of a Latin A, a Hiragana a and two blue arrows lying between them
A loop consists of a Latin A, a Hiragana a and two blue arrows lying between them
This translator translates from
English to Swahili.
22This Wikimedian is 22 years, 2 months, and 20 days old.