Utilisateur:Thomas le numéro 24/Index de mots manquants sur mathématiques en anglais/O
- Ob
- object
- oblatum
- obliquangle
- obliquangled
- obliquangular
- oblique
- oblique angle
- oblique circle
- oblique line
- oblique pyramid
- oblique reflection
- oblique spaceship
- oblique system of coordinates
- oblivious transfer
- oblong
- oblong number
- oblongum
- obround
- observational error
- observer's paradox
- obtusangled
- obtuse angle
- obtuse-angled
- obtuse-angled triangle
- obtuse-angular
- obtuse triangle
- obvious by inspection
- ocean
- Ockham algebra
- O clip
- octachoron
- octacontagon
- octacube
- octadecahedron
- octagonal
- octahedron
- octakis-
- octakishexahedron
- octal
- octavate
- octavation
- octave
- octavic
- octenary
- octeract
- octiamond
- octic
- octile
- octilinear
- octodecimal
- octogram
- octomino
- octonionic
- odd function
- oddification
- odd number
- offdiagonal
- offshell
- ogee
- Olbers' paradox
- oloid
- Olympiad
- omalous
- O mark
- omega
- omegaform
- omega point
- omegasome
- omegath
- omegoid
- omnitruncation
- omohyoid
- omohyoideus
- omohyoid muscle
-* on
- on
- once
- one-dimensional
- one-form
- one-on-one
- ones and zeroes
- one-start
- one-time pad
- onshell
- onto
- onto function
- open ball
- open book
- open book decomposition
- open cover
- open half space
- opening
- open rectangle
- operad
- operadic
- operand
- operational calculus
- operator
- operatorial
- operator theory
- oplax
- opmonoidal
- opposite
- opposite angle
- optical isomer
- optimization problem
- orbifold
- orbifolded
- orbifolding
- orbifoldized
- orbiform
- orbispace
- orbit-stabilizer theorem
- ordered
- ordered field
- ordered integral domain
- ordered ring
- ordered set
- order of magnitude
- order of operations
- order tree
- ℝ-order tree
- order type
- ordinal
- ordinal number
- ordinal variable
- ordinary differential equation
- Ore's theorem
- orientable
- orientation
- oriented
- oriented graph
- orientifolded
- origin
- origin of coordinates
- O-ring
- orthant
- orthobicupola
- orthobirotunda
- orthocenter
- orthocentral
- orthocentric
- orthochronous
- orthocomplement
- orthocomplementation
- orthocomplemented
- orthocupolarotunda
- orthodiagonal
- orthodrome
- orthogon
- orthogonal
- orthogonal complement
- orthogonal function
- orthogonal group
- orthogonality
- orthogonal matrix
- orthographic
- orthohedron
- ortholattice
- orthomodular
- orthomorphism
- orthonormal
- orthonormal function
- orthonormality
- orthonormalization
- orthonormalize
- orthonormally
- orthopair
- orthopedal
- orthoplex
- orthoplexes
- orthoplices
- orthoptic
- orthoradial
- orthosymmetric
- orthosymplectic
- orthotomic
- orthotomic circle
- orthotomy
- orthotope
- oscillating
- oscillation
- oscillaton
- oscillator
- oscnode
- osculant
- osculate
- osculating
- osculating circle
- osculation
- osculator
- osculatory
- osculatrix
- O-shaped
- Ostrowski numeration
- otopy
- outcome variable
- outdegree
- outedge
- outer automorphism
- outer measure
- outerplanar
- outer product
- outer regular
- outerthickness
- outer totalistic
- outfit
- outlyingness
- oval
- oval of Cassini
- over
- overbound
- overcategory
- overcomplete
- overcone
- overconvergent
- overdetermined
- overdisperse
- overdispersion
- overdispersive
- overfactorization
- overfilter
- overfit
- overfunctor
- overgroup
- overlap
- overmatching
- overorder
- overparameterize
- overpartition
- overprime
- overrelax
- overrelaxation
- overring
- oversample
- ovoid
- oxygon
- oxymoron