Utilisateur:Thomas le numéro 24/Index de mots manquants sur mathématiques en anglais/C
- CA
- cable theory
- Caccioppoli set
- cactoid
- cadlag
- Caesar cipher
- Caesar substitution
- cage
- cake number
- Calabi-Yau manifold
- calceiform
- calceolate
- calculate
- calculation
- calculist
- cancel
- cancellative
- cannonball problem
- cannot-link
- canonical
- canonical form
- canonical formalism
- canonicalization
- canonisant
- canonizant
- cantellated
- cantellation
- cantitruncated
- Cantor-Bendixson theorem
- Cantor dust
- Cantorian
- Cantor set
- Cantor's theorem
- cap
- capacitary
- capacitate
- capacitated
- Capelli's identity
- cap off
- capping
- cap product
- card
- Cardan grille
- cardinal
- cardinal number
- cardioid
- Carlyle circle
- Carmichael number
- Carnot's theorem
- Carol number
- Carol prime
- carousel
- carrier set
- carrier wave
- carryless
- carry over
- carry the one
- Cartan integer
- Cartan subalgebra
- cartesian
- Cartesian
- Cartesian closed category
- Cartesian coordinate
- Cartesian coordinates
- Cartesian distance
- Cartesian equation
- Cartesian grid
- Cartesian natural transformation
- Cartesian plane
- Cartesian space
- Cartesian square
- case fatality rate
- Cash-Karp method
- Cassini ellipse
- Cassini oval
- cassinoid
- cast out nines
- catacaustic
- Catalan number
- Catalan's constant
- Catalan solid
- Catalan surface
- catalecticant
- catastrophe
- catastrophe theory
- Catch-22
- categorical dual
- categorical product
- categorical variable
- categorification
- categorify
- category
- category theory
- catenarian
- catenoid
- catenoidal
- caterpillar
- caterpillarization
- caterpillarize
- caterpillar tree
- Cauchy
- Cauchyan
- Cauchy distribution
- Cauchy horizon
- Cauchy problem
- Cauchy-Riemann equation
- Cauchy-Schwarz inequality
- Cauchy sequence
- Cauchy space
- causal set
- causet
- caustic
- Cavalieri's principle
- cavernous
- Cayleyan
- Cayley complex
- Cayley-Dickson construction
- Cayley's formula
- Cayley's theorem
- Cayley table
- C-channel
- C-clamp
- C-clip
- cee
- cee spring
- ceiling effect
- ceiling function
- celestial equator
- celestial sphere
- cell
- cellular automaton
- censor
- censoring
- center
- centerless
- centerpoint
- centimate
- centipede game
- central
- central angle
- centrality
- centralizer
- central limit theorem
- central moment
- central simple algebra
- central tendency
- centre of curvature
- centre of mass
- centre of symmetry
- centrifuge
- centripetal acceleration
- centroaffine
- centroidal
- centrosymmetric
- centrosymmetry
- centumduodetrigintanion
- cepstrum
- ceratohyal
- ceratohyoid
- certain event
- Ceva's theorem
- cevian
- CH
- chain complex
- chainette
- chain group
- chain rule
- chair
- chair conformation
- chakravala method
- Champernowne constant
- Champernowne word
- changepoint
- change sides, change signs
- chaologist
- chaology
- chaos
- chaos theorist
- chaos theory
- chaotic
- chaotician
- chaotic map
- Chapman-Robbins bound
- character
- characteristic
- characteristic polynomial
- characteristic root
- characteristic vector
- character theory
- chart
- Chazy equation
- Chebyshev distance
- Chebyshev's bias
- Chebyshev's inequality
- Chebyshev's theorem
- checksum
- chemical structure
- Chen prime
- Chen's theorem
- Chern class
- Chern-Simons theory
- cherry
- chessboard
- chessboard distance
- chicken-or-egg question
- child
- child category
- chiliagon
- chiliahedron
- Chinese numeral
- Chinese postman problem
- Chinese remainder theorem
- Chinese restaurant process
- chingon
- chiral
- chiral center
- chiral centre
- chiral resolution
- chiroptic
- chirotope
- chi-square
- chi-square distribution
- chi-square test
- choice
- choice function
- c-hole
- choosability
- choose
- Choquet integral
- chorded
- chordless
- chordlessness
- -choron
- chosen-ciphertext attack
- chosen-plaintext attack
- Chow group
- Christoffel-Darboux formula
- Christoffel symbol
- chromatic
- chromatic number
- chronogeometry
- chunking
- chunklet
- Church encoding
- Church-Rosser theorem
- CI
- cilly
- cinquefoil
- ciphertext-only attack
- circle group
- circle inversion
- circle of antisimilitude
- circle of Apollonius
- circle of the gorge
- circle segment
- circline
- circloid
- circuit
- circuit rank
- circulant
- circular
- circular angle
- circular arc
- circular cone
- circular function
- circular graph
- circularly
- circular sector
- circular segment
- circulate
- circum-
- circumcenter
- circumcircle
- circumconic
- circumconics
- circumellipse
- circumradius
- circumscribed circle
- circumscriptable
- circumsphere
- cis effect
- cisoid
- cissoid
- cis-trans isomerism
- class
- classical cipher
- classifying morphism
- classifying space
- claw
- Clawson point
- cleartext
- cleaver
- Clifford algebra
- Clifford module
- cline
- clip
- clipping
- clique number
- clock paradox
- closed
- closed ball
- closed curve
- closed form
- closeness
- closing
- clothoid
- clubsuit
- cluster
- clustering coefficient
- clustroid
- clutter
- CM
- cnoidal
- co-
- coaction
- coadjoint
- coalgebra
- coalgebraic
- coamoeba
- coanalytic
- coarea
- coassociative
- coassociativity
- coassociator
- coatom
- coatomic
- coatomistic
- coaugmentation
- coaxal
- coaxial
- coaxis
- coboundary
- cobraided
- cobwebbing
- cocategory
- cocenter
- cochain
- cochain complex
- cocharacter
- cochleoid
- cocircuit
- cocircular
- cocircularity
- cocked hat curve
- cocktail party graph
- coclass
- coclosed
- cocluster
- cocoercive
- cocoloring
- cocommutative
- cocomplete
- cocompletion
- cocone
- coconform
- coconformation
- coconstant morphism
- cocontinuous
- cocyclic
- code
- codebook
- codegree
- codepth
- coderivative
- codetext
- codeword
- codifferential
- codifferentiation
- codimensional
- coding
- coding theory
- codirection
- codual
- coduality
- coeffective
- coefficient
- coefficient matrix
- coefficient of alienation
- coefficient of determination
- coefficientwise
- coend
- coequalizer
- coevent
- cofactor
- cofiber
- cofibrant
- cofibration
- cofilament
- cofinality
- cofinite
- cofinite topology
- coflow
- coframe
- cofree
- cofreeness
- cofunction
- cofunctionality
- cogalois
- cogebra
- cograph
- cographic
- cogredient
- cogroup
- cohaversine
- coheight
- Cohen-Macaulay
- coherent
- coherentization
- coherentized
- cohomologicity
- cohomologous
- cohomology
- cohomotopy
- cohort effect
- cohyponormal
- cohyponormality
- coideal
- coidentity
- coiflet
- coimage
- coincidence
- coincidence point
- coinitial
- cointegrate
- cointegrated
- cointegration
- cointersection
- coinvariant
- coinverse
- coinversion
- coker
- cokernel
- cokriging
- colatitude
- cold boot attack
- colimit
- colimiting
- coline
- collar
- collarable
- collar of esses
- Collatz conjecture
- collection
- collider
- collineation
- collision attack
- collocation
- colog
- cologarithmic
- coloop
- color
- coloring
- column echelon form
- column vector
- comass
- comatrix
- comaximal
- comb
- comb filter
- combination
- combinatorial commutative algebra
- combinatorial geometry
- combinatorialist
- combinatorialize
- comdag
- comeager
- comeagre
- comeasurable
- cominuscule
- comma category
- commensurator
- commensurizer
- common antilog
- common antilogarithm
- common factor
- common fraction
- common knowledge
- common logarithm
- common multiple
- communality
- commutant lifting theorem
- commutate
- commutative
- commutative algebra
- commutativity
- commutator subgroup
- comodernism
- comodernistic
- comodule
- comonad
- comonoid
- comonoidal
- comonotonic
- comorphism
- compactification
- compactify
- compact space
- compactum
- companion
- comparable function
- compass error
- complement
- complementary angle
- complementary angles
- complementary function
- complementary region
- complementation
- completable
- complete
- complete angle
- complete bipartite graph
- complete graph
- complete lattice
- completely metrizable
- complete measure
- completeness axiom
- complete the square
- completion
- μ-completion
- complex
- complex analysis
- complex conjugate
- complex conjugate root theorem
- complex conjugation
- complex-differentiable
- complex fraction
- complex function
- complex geometry
- complexification
- complexity function
- complexity theory
- complex line
- complexly
- complex measure
- complex plane
- complex projective line
- component
- comportance
- composite
- composite function
- composite number
- composition
- composition algebra
- compositionality
- compositorial
- compositum
- compound
- compressed sensing
- compressible
- computability logic
- computable
- computable analysis
- computable function
- computational chemistry
- computational complexity theory
- computational geometry
- computationally secure
- computational number theory
- computator
- computer
- computress
- comtrace
- comultiplication
- conatural
- concatenable
- concave envelope
- concave function
- concavifiability
- concavifiable
- concavification
- concavify
- concentric
- conchoid
- conchoidal
- conchospiral
- concomitant
- concordant
- concrete
- concurrent
- concurvity
- concyclic
- condensation
- condensation point
- conditional entropy
- conditionalization
- conditional probability
- conditional probability distribution
- conducible
- conductor
- cone-shaped
- conference matrix
- confidence level
- confidence limits
- configuration
- confirmation bias
- confluent
- confocal
- confomer
- conformal
- conformal geometry
- conformality
- conformal mapping
- conformation
- conformational isomerism
- conformer
- confound
- confounder
- confounding variable
- congruence class
- congruency
- congruential
- conharmonic
- conharmonically
- conic
- conical surface
- conics
- conic section
- conifold
- conj
- conjoin
- conjugacy
- conjugacy class
- conjugate angles
- conjugate axis
- conjugate transpose
- conjugation
- conjugator
- connectance
- connected
- connected component
- connected graph
- connected space
- connecting homomorphism
- connection
- connectopy
- connex
- conocuneus
- conoid
- conorm
- conormal
- conormality
- consequent
- conservative extension
- conservativity
- constant
- constant function
- constantive
- constant morphism
- constant of integration
- constant problem
- constraint
- constraint cluster
- construct
- constructible
- construction
- constructivism
- constructivize
- contact geometry
- contactisation
- contactive
- contactization
- contact manifold
- contact number
- contactomorphic
- contactomorphism
- contain
- context-free
- contingence
- contingency table
- continuant
- continued fraction
- continuity
- continuous function
- continuous time
- continuous variable
- continuum theory
- contour
- contour integral
- contour line
- contractible
- contraction
- contragredient
- contraharmonic mean
- contramodule
- contravariance
- contravariant functor
- control
- conull
- conus
- convergence
- convergent
- convergent sequence
- convergent series
- converse
- conversion
- convex combination
- convex envelope
- convex function
- convex hull
- convexifiability
- convexifiable
- convexification
- convexified
- convexify
- convex set
- convolution
- convolvability
- convolvable
- convolver
- Conway criterion
- Conway knot
- Conway's constant
- cooperad
- cooperative game
- cooperon
- coorbit
- coorbit theory
- co-ordinate axis
- coordinate axis
- coordinate chart
- coordinate map
- coordinate plane
- coordinatewise
- coordinatization
- coordinatize
- coorientable
- copartition
- Copeland-Erdős constant
- coplanarity
- coplane
- cop number
- copoint
- copositive
- copower
- Coppersmith method
- Coppersmith's attack
- copresheaf
- coproduct
- copula
- copunctal
- copunctual
- coquasitriangular
- coquaternion
- coquaternionic
- coquecigrue
- coradical
- corank
- core
- coreachable
- coreflective
- coregionalization
- corelation
- corepresentation
- coresidual
- coresolution
- coöriginal
- coring
- corner
- corner solution
- Cornu
- corollary
- correlation
- correlation coefficient
- correlation function
- correlative
- correlator
- correlogy
- correntropy
- correspondence
- cosecant
- cosection
- cosemisimple
- coset
- cosh
- cosheaf
- coshine
- cosilting
- cosimplicial
- cosine formula
- cosine law
- cosine rule
- cosingular
- cosinus
- cosinusoidal
- coslice category
- cospan
- cospectral
- costate
- cost function
- costraight
- costructure
- cosymplectic
- cotangent
- coterminal
- cothangent
- cotilting
- cotorsion
- cototient
- cotranslation
- cotree
- Cotton effect
- cotype
- Coulomb gauge
- counimodular
- counion
- counit
- countable additivity
- countably
- countably additive
- countably infinite
- counterdiagonal
- counterfactor
- counterterm
- counting measure
- counting number
- counting rod
- counts
- Courant minimax principle
- cousin prime
- covariable
- covariantization
- covariantize
- covariate
- covary
- covector
- cover
- covercosine
- covering
- covering number
- covering space
- coversed cosine
- coversed sine
- coversin
- coversine
- covertex
- covertext
- covincular
- Coxeter diagram
- Coxeter-Dynkin diagram
- Coxeter graph
- Coxeter group
- Coxeter matrix
- cpsd
- Cramer's rule
- Cramér-Rao bound
- Cramér's conjecture
- creative
- Cremona-Richmond configuration
- crib
- crispification
- crispify
- crisping
- critical exponent
- critical function
- critical point
- criticoid
- crossbreak
- cross-cap
- crosscorrelation
- cross-countries
- crossing
- crossing number
- crosslinear
- crossmapping
- cross-multiplication
- cross-polytope
- cross-quantilogram
- cross-ratio
- cross section
- cross-shaped
- cross tab
- cross-tab
- crosstab
- cross tabulation
- cross term
- crossvalidated
- cross-validation
- crown
- crown graph
- crunodal
- crunode
- cryptanalyst
- cryptochiral
- cryptochirality
- cryptofunction
- cryptographer
- cryptographist
- cryptography
- cryptojack
- cryptolibertarian
- cryptolibertarianism
- cryptolinguist
- cryptologist
- cryptomathematician
- cryptoprocessing
- cryptoprocessor
- cryptovariable
- cryptoviral
- cryptoviral extortion
- cryptovirology
- cryptoworm
- C-shaped
- C spring
- C-string
- cuban prime
- cubation
- cubed
- cubefree
- cube with handles
- cubical
- cubically
- cubic curve
- cubic function
- cubic graph
- cubicovariant
- cubicuboctahedron
- cubinder
- cubinvariant
- cubization
- cuboctahedral
- cuboctahedron
- cubo-cube
- cubo-cubic
- cubohemioctahedron
- cuboid
- cuboidal
- cubulate
- cubulation
- cucumiform
- Cullen number
- Cullen prime
- cumulant
- cumulative error
- Cunningham chain
- cupola
- cupolarotunda
- cup-shaped
- curl
- curlicue fractal
- Curry's paradox
- curse of dimensionality
- curvative
- curvature
- curve
- curvilinead
- curvilinear
- cuspate
- cusp form
- cuspidalization
- cuspon
- cut
- α-cut
- cut and choose
- cute
- cutplane
- cutpoint
- cutset
- cutwidth
- CV
- CW complex
- cycle
- cycle chord
- cycle group
- cyclic
- cyclic group
- cyclic-inscriptable
- cyclic module
- cyclic number
- cyclic quadrilateral
- cyclidic
- cyclohedron
- cycloid
- cycloidal arch
- cyclomatic number
- cyclometric
- cyclometry
- cyclostereoisomerism
- cyclotomic field
- cyclotomic polynomial
- cyclotomics
- cyclotomy
- cylinder function
- cylindrically
- cylindricity
- cylindroid
- cylindroidal
- Cyrillic numeral